What do YOU do in this situation?
I speak to agents, almost on a daily basis, and they find such creative ways to distract themselves from results producing activities.
They fill their day with activities then they feel like they have been productive, but know they have no results for the day and therefore will not get paid.
Worst of all, they have wasted another day which can never be replaced.
Here are some of the most common distractions people tell me:
Amazing… or should I say fascinating?!
If you are having trouble with doing what you know you should be doing and not doing it, then apply these three tools right now.
I had a call last night from a coaching client who had just made a $16,000 fee from something I taught her at Success in Real Estate in February 2020.
She was so excited but then I thought to myself, why has this taken so long? She could have been making a sale a week from this one proven idea.
One of the mysteries of my life is why when people hear a good idea they don’t implement it immediately.
Remember motion creates emotion.
Motion creates motivation.
When you are motivated with a positive mental attitude, you will be amazed at the opportunities that you will create and find.
It’s like a fully loaded B-Double starting it’s journey; it takes some time and a lot of fuel and energy to get moving but once it’s on the highway travelling at 100 kilometres per hour, it’s very hard to stop quickly.
The same applies to you.
Yes, it takes effort to get moving and stay moving in results creating activities but once the momentum kicks in, it’s very hard for anyone to stop you. You become unstoppable.
So “DO IT NOW!”.
If you find yourself thinking about how tough things are right now and just can’t seem to get into your power zone then, email support@michaelkies.com.au and make a time to speak with me. I can help!