At the start of a new month we have an exciting opportunity to build on the success of the previous month using absolute focus for real estate agents, or to put the previous month behind us and start a fresh. The best place to start is to plan for absolute focus. Here are 5 steps to absolute focus for real estate agents:
You will know it is the right goal because when you dare to dream that it is a reality you will get butterflies in your stomach. This should be your focus when you get up in the morning.
Technique: You need to affirm this goal either by writing it out in the present tense, or a great way to save time is to verbalise it, e.g. ‘I earn $… per year’.
Your personal life will keep you focused on what is important. Whether it is providing a better life for your family that drives you, or just simply being a role model for your kids, focus on this and use it to motivate you.
You can get the full 500 challenge plan at my listing generator webinar.
‘What you focus on becomes your reality.’ – Earl Nightingale. Be aware of the information you consume. When I first started in real estate, I heard a radio report summarising the poor state of the market. Whenever I went to listing presentations or buyer appointments this was on my mind. Eventually this led to poor sales results. Beware of this. Use your thoughts as a tool to focus and bring positivity into your life and the results will astound you.
Throughout the day we will be tempted to be distracted by the urgent. It is important to step back and reassess what is important and in-line with your major dominant goal. Do this daily.
Technique: One way to do this is to make a list in order of priority and stick to it. If you don’t get something done, put it on the list for the next day. This way you will forever be working towards your goal.
Put these five steps in place and see how being focused and managing your time, can help to make your dreams come true.
If you want to find out more about the full plan for the 500 challenge register for the listing generator webinar here.