So when I first started in real estate sales, I really didn’t know what I was doing. I used to waste time driving buyers around to so many properties, I used to wear a big brown leather jacket and worst of all, the way I used to end a conversation at both a listing presentation and a buyers appointment was to say: ‘so I suppose you want to think about it!’. Can you believe it? Can you imagine my prospecting! Terrible!
So I went on a learning journey, I had to. My family was struggling and living from the money my wife was making from hairdressing from our laundry. And I want to share with you want I learned which turned my career around, and helped me to win awards both nationally and internationally for my results.
I discovered this thing called the close. An alternative to the I want to think about it, which had done so well for me…. Not! And today I want to share with you the three most simple to implement closes that I have learned over the years. Of course, there are so many more and those of you who have attended my seminars have over 40 different closes in your manuals, but these are simple and quick for the time we have today.
The first one I want to share contributed to me making 19 individual house sales after a seven week sales slump which I have told you about. When you are with the buyer, look them straight in the eye and ask them if they want to buy the house.
This can be quite intimidating sometimes can’t it? Well that’s because throughout our life times our parents have always said ‘be careful!’ And to break that down even further ‘stay within your comfort zone’. This is not where the results are! Ask them if they want to buy the house, it’s that simple.
The second close I would like to talk about it the ascending close, which involves getting the vendor or buyer to say yes as many times as possible. We touched on this a few weeks ago for the vendor, but I just wanted to give you an example for the buyer which just works so well:
So you really like the open plan living area? YES
And the bedrooms are a great size for the family? YES
And the distance to the school and town is good for you? ? YES
So why don’t you just buy the house? ? YES
The third close is used after the first close, and it’s called the silence close. So ask the question ‘do you want to buy the house?’ Then SHUT UP! So many times we will ask a question like that and then renege on it with a comment like, ‘OR maybe you just want to think about it!’ or countless other possible remarks, which a.) isolate the buyer and b.) make us seem less genuine. Just shut up! Ask the question and then wire your mouth shut!
These are the simplest of closes because I wanted to give you something you can use today! Rehearse them and then use these today and then leave a comment below the video and let me know how you go and if these videos are adding value to you.
This week’s take away: Real Estate Sales are not made within your comfort zone… Ask for the order today!
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Thanks for spending time on the computer (wniitrg) so others don’t have to.