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This week we discuss how self-doubt can sabotage a real estate career, and the three mind shifts you can implement right now to quash it.
Some of the most savage career sabotaging thoughts are:
I believe that even the top agents feel self-doubt, but the difference is, they feel it and do it anyway:
When I first started in real estate I was excited and enthusiastic.
After a good start I found myself in a terrible sales slump and I had decided to quit.
My self-talk was terrible; I was saying things like “I am no good at this”, “I can’t do it and nothing’s working out for me”.
I was in such bad shape that I decided to quit. I went home with my resignation letter in hand, and spoke with my wife Tina.
Her response rally made me think. She said “What are you going to do then smarty?” She was right. I had been unemployed before this and I had nothing to fall back on.
This was a turning point in my life.
I just had to make it work.
I personally sold over 2,000 properties during my career and won awards for being the best in the world at one point, and the foundation of which was developed around a positive mental attitude.
I can assure you, through my work as a coach and as an agent myself, the resilience and positivity comes through personal development – there is no talent/gift involved.
If you are feeling self-doubt about how your career in real estate is progressing then you are not alone.
The biggest cause of failure is thinking everyone is doing better than you and then underestimating how good you really are.
We are selling ourselves short and we over-estimate the success of others and underestimate what we are capable of. So let’s imagine you become a high performing salesperson and make the money that will let you achieve your goals.
I have great news today because by following what I am about to share you can turn things around as quickly as I did. I went from no sales for 7 weeks to making 19 sales the very next month.
Snap out of it:
Stop having pity parties with other low performing salespeople, take a high performer for a coffee and ask for advice on how they do what they do and then stop doing the low producing activities and immediately start on high results producing activities. So snap out of your excusitis right now and get to work, stop wasting time. Say to yourself I am responsible and take total responsibility for everything in your life. That’s your current situation personally and financially.When I was struggling I spoke to a guy by the name of Ray and he gave me some great advice that I have lived by from that day forward and that’s to create one good listing appointment per day and attend one good listing appointment per day. I dare you to make a commitment right now to do this. Because I did this from the day Ray told me about it and within one year I went from being the bottom salesperson out of over 200 salespeople to the top. There I was at the awards night in my short sleeve shirt and company tie with a jumper on getting the award from the owner of the franchise.
Nothing great is ever achieved without enthusiasm. Something I learned 31 years ago from my favourite self help book “SUCCESS THROUGH A POSITIVE MENTAL ATTITUDE” – to be enthusiastic, act enthusiastic. That’s what you must start doing right now, do not delay. Start acting enthusiastically.If you have a listing that’s not selling because the price is too high – then I want you to call your vendors and where possible make an appointment to see them and when you do say these words, “I have some great news for you I know why your house is not selling and that’s because the price is too high and needs adjusting to (what ever price it needs to be at). If you want to get happily moved all we have to do is adjust the price and you should be able to get on with your life plans.” Then shut up. Do everything in real estate with enthusiasm. Enthusiasm becomes passion which becomes joy and the more joyful salesperson will always sell more properties.
Clients and customers love to deal with confident people. So to be confident act it! BUT if you don’t know something never wing it, just say “I don’t know but I will find out for you.” Then do what you have promised. There are three things that build your confidence and they are knowledge, skill, and action. The easiest way to improve your knowledge and skill immediately is to attend Success in Real Estate and I guarantee you, you will make at least another 10 sales in the next 12 months.If you get this wrong you will be stuck in a rut and you have to be really careful about this as you could be stuck in that rut for the next 20 years and end up broke, old and tired, or you can apply these three tips right now and attend Success in Real Estate and get out of the rut you are in and make something great and worthwhile of your life by giving your life a real purpose.
It’s like a high jumper. If he feeds himself KFC for week’s prior to his event he will probably not do so well. However if he feeds himself the right nutrients he will give himself every chance to succeed on the day. We must feed ourselves the right nutrients in terms of positive self-talk to give us every chance at success.
So the three things that you should work on from today are:
Obviously the tools within the sales process play a massive role in growing results.
For this reason, I have created my success in real estate program that includes a 120-page manual with reference guide, so you can flick to the section you need before you go to an appointment.
If you want to know more about honing your skills in real estate, I have a full three day training program called Success in Real Estate which you can register for here.
At the beginning of the course you will be given a 120-page manual which includes all of my practical tools for overcoming the common obstacles in real estate sales. Put your name down now…