Today you will find out how to persuade like you have never known before, especially with listings and negotiating sales.
First I must warn you that this is to be used in the best interest of the parties involved and not to deceive or manipulate anyone.
The problem that society faces today is that salespeople have been trained to get you into the “YES” momentum and unless you really want something this “YES” momentum technique drives you to say no.
When you use what I am about to share with you, you will be amazed at how people open up to you.
You must start with “NO”.
You must invite your clients to tell you “NO” right at the beginning of either the listing presentation or the negotiation.
I can hear what you are saying now “Is he crazy?”, starting with no is just stupid.
But once you have learned how to use this correctly you will be amazed.
So when you arrive at the listing appointment just say, “I don’t know if what I do is going to fit in with your plans regarding how you would like to sell your property. If it doesn’t, just tell me and we will part as friends. Is that okay with you?”
Then move on to your listing presentation and you will find that these people will really open up to you and you will build great rapport.
It’s like when a phone prospector calls trying to sell you discount electricity.
After they botch your name their whole goal is to get you to say “YES” and it goes like this – “YES”, “YES”, “YES” and then finally “NO”, and you get rid of them by saying “NO” just so you can take back control.
People want to feel in control and by getting them to say “NO” early they feel both in control and comfortable.
They like and trust you.
When you show people that you are not perfect they relate to you, so share a story at the beginning that shows how you are just like them.
If you find yourself thinking about how tough things are right now and just can’t seem to get into your power zone then, email and make a time to speak with me. I can help!