How to close more listings without coming across as being pushy in real estate sales
The problem most salespeople have is two fold when we come up against an objection at the listing presentation;
- We fear rejection
- We don’t want to offend by coming across as being pushy
Ultimately this often sees us walking away from many a listing than doing what is right and closing the listing.
How many times have you felt you had a great relationship with the sellers, but when it comes to closing the listing you have come across listing killing comments:
- “I want to think it over”
- “We love you and everything you have said but we need some time before we make a decision”
At this point the agent often feels like they have two choices; to bow out and follow them up later, or become pushy. In reality they want neither of those things – they just want the listing.
In this two part series I give you the tools you need to go from the tense situation above to close more listings without coming across as being pushy…
A client of mine had just joined
The Success Club, and in his 12 month planning call he said that he is giving potential sellers time to think things over and rarely gets back in the door.
Quite often this results in calls not being returned, and finally the realisation that the potential sellers have
listed with another agent:
- Has that happened to you recently?
- How does it make you feel?
- It’s depressing isn’t it?
He said that the reason he was giving the potential sellers time to think it over was that he didn’t want to come across as pushy.
There are two necessary components for fixing this problem:
- Mindset: We must address this mindset which is based firmly in fear to create a prosperity mindset (Part One)
- Skills: We must learn the skills, scripts and tools to bridge the gap between the tense situation and getting the listing (Part Two)
Nine questions to uncover a prosperity mindset to help you close more listings without coming across as being pushy in real estate sales
The following is the conversation I had with my client to help him to uncover his
prosperity mindset:
1. Do you believe you are definitely the best agent for them in your area?
To which he answered “For sure.”
2. Do you believe that you are the best negotiator and that you will get them the highest price?
To which he answered “Yes.”
3. Do you believe you will look after these people better than any other agent in your area?
To which he confidently answered “Yes.”
4. How many times do you get back in the door after you leave without the listing?
His answer was “Not many!”
5. Do you really think you are doing the right thing by letting the potential sellers list with another agent?
His answer was “No!”
6. How much do you think the seller is losing by letting these people list with another agent?
He said that in one case he would have negotiated an extra $50,000 for a vendor.
7. Do you believe you are doing the right thing by letting the potential sellers think it over?
To which he replied “NO!”
8. So do you think you would be doing the right thing by leading the sellers to list with you instead of listing with someone else?
To which he replied “Yes!”
9. You have a duty to act in the best interest of the seller(s). You can no longer leave without giving it your best to get the listing as this is in the best interests of the vendor, can you?
So if you believe you are the best and you will give the best service and get the best price, then you have a duty to get the listing by leading the sellers to make the decision that’s in their best interest – the decision to list with you.
Part Two: In the next episode I will show exactly how to lead the sellers to make the right decision to list with you without coming across as being pushy.
Obviously the tools within the sales process play a massive role in growing results.
For this reason, I have created my success in real estate program that includes a 120-page manual with reference guide, so you can flick to the section you need.
If you want to know more about honing your skills in real estate, I have a full three day training program called Success in Real Estate which you can register for here.
At the beginning of the course you will be given a 120-page manual which includes all of my practical tools for overcoming the common obstacles in real estate sales. Put your name down now…