Buyers and sellers being unreasonable? Here's how to get unstuck in real estate sales

Tough times call for tough people who do the right actions to get excellent results
March 14, 2019
55_SiREPodcast_Episode-55 How to make the right decisions to help you make more sales in real estate
Episode 55: How to make the right decisions to help you make more sales in real estate…
March 22, 2019
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Buyers and sellers being unreasonable? Here’s how to get unstuck in real estate sales

Buyers and sellers being unreasonable? How to get unstuck in real estate sales…

In this market, buyers and sellers can be unreasonable causing a lot of sales to become stuck, with buyers not prepared to budge.

Today I share with you three steps to get things moving in real estate sales.

There are four types of people in sales:

  1. The people who don’t know how to sell in a tough market.
  2. The people who think they know how to sell in a tough market.
  3.  The people who know, but don’t act.
  4. The people who know, act and thrive.

You can look at challenges as opportunities or dead ends.

One day I was going to see a couple with a proposal. Just as I arrived the wife called me and said “Don’t bother coming as we have changed our minds and we are going to stay.

I told her I had just pulled up, and asked to come in for a cup of tea. Two hours later, I came out with the sale.

This was about 12 years ago and when I saw the couple recently, they thanked me for getting them to make the decision that day.

So if you want to turn more “NO’s” into “YES’s” then try these three things.

1. Communicate to connect.

There are two types of communication; digital and personal.

Always communicate in person. See the people and visit them.

When you visit the buyer you can look them in the eye and show them why it’s in their best interest to proceed and purchase the house they love.

2. My concern for you is!

Always look at things from the other person’s point of view.

Ask yourself how you would be feeling if you were a buyer in this market? Only from this mindset will you be able to lead the buyer.

For example; “My concern for you is that if you miss out on this home, (the home that you love) you will have to start all over again and who knows how long it will take to find another home that you love so much.

For the sake of $50,000 would you really risk your happiness in your new home?

3. Break it down to the ridiculous…

Ask them how long they intend living and enjoying this house, and then break it down.

For example; “If you were to own this home, how long do you think you would live in it and enjoy it for?

Most people will say between 10 and 20 years.

So let’s say you would enjoy the home for 15 years. So $50,000 divided by 15 equals $3,333 per year or just $277 per month or just $9.13 per day.

You wouldn’t want to miss out on this home for just $9.13 per day would you?

For this to work and be effective you must be in front of the buyers, plus you can also break the extra repayments down to the ridiculous.

Working through a buyer scenario…

I was with some buyers one night and we were $20,000 apart and it worked out to about $5 per day.

They had two girls and I suggested that they could give up a can of coke each per day to get into their new home.

On that night the buyers wouldn’t budge, so I went back to see the owners who could not afford to sell for any less.

I suggested to the owners that they ask the agent who they were buying their new house through if the current owners could come down $20,000.

They didn’t know they could do that, so I did it for them.

Seven days went by and finally the buyer called me and said they would pay the $20,000 extra.

When I called the owners with the good news they told me they had just found out the people who they were buying the house from had agreed to come down $20,000, so they had a real win.

If you want to make more sales by getting stuck sales moving then communicate to connect in person, have a “my concern for you” attitude by seeing things from their perspective and then lead them to feel good about their decision to buy, by breaking the difference down to the ridiculous.

What’s more exciting, watching football on TV or going to the game?

Going to the game is much more exciting because you see the play first hand and the same applies when you are working with buyers.

Always see the play in person so you can read the play and lead them to make the decision that is right for them.

If you have the desire and are prepared to take total responsibility and would like to get to 2 sales per week then  – book a call with me. Always do your best.

If you want to find out more about how you can list more properties than you thought possible, click the link to find out more about my 3-day Success in Real Estate program, which covers this in great detail.

Michael Kies
Michael Kies
Like my page for marketing tools for real estate agents, training videos, and motivation to get the most out of your career.

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