Three simple attitude shifts for real estate agents

The daily personal responsibility strategy for real estate agents
October 15, 2017
Success in Real Estate Podcast - Episode 04
Episode 04: How these 3 attitude shifts helped one agent find 7 immediate sellers in 3 hours
October 25, 2017
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Three simple attitude shifts for real estate agents

By Michael Kies

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Three simple attitude shifts for real estate agents and how they helped one agent find 7 immediate sellers in just 3 hours

The most important word is attitude for real estate agents.

And to go deeper, there are three simple attitude shifts that can help real estate agents create results quickly. For instance, these shifts helped one agent go from a “tough” day one day, to finding 7 immediate sellers in just three hours the next day.

The problem with attitude

The problem is, many coaches talk about attitude and how it can make or break a career in real estate. But there is no specific strategy on exactly how to turn negativity around at will…

When you have had the door slammed in your face, or you have spent a whole week prospecting with very few results, it is not easy to maintain a positive attitude for real estate agents.

It’s not as simple as saying “be positive…”

No matter what action you take in real estate, if it’s underpinned by a negative attitude you’re very unlikely to get the results that you’re capable of.

A bad attitude is a very costly personal choice

Most people go through life with their self-talk unchecked, saying things like “what’s the point” or “it’s not going to work”. This thinking let’s good people stay in a rut for the rest of their lives.

The ability to create a shift in attitude for real estate agents at will, allows fast turnarounds. When agents get this right they can get some amazing results, really quickly.

To create this, ask yourself: “What is the potential? What if I give this a go and it works?”

This is called possibility thinking and this breaks the status quo.

Attitude for real estate agents - Michael KiesBrett’s Story: The potential growth from a shift in attitude 

A client of mine Brett called me to tell me he had had a tough day prospecting.

He had doors slammed in his face, he had people telling him that he was the third agent who had knocked on their door that day and he was convinced that the market was tough and that prospecting was wasting his time.

In other words he’d been affected by that attitude.

I gave him 3 tools for shifting his attitude from that of negativity to that of potential, and the next day he found seven listing appointments within three hours from just 19 contacts.

This has the potential to earn him $70,000 dollars in income or $23,000 dollars per hour that he worked.

That’s a pretty good return on investment from a simple shift towards a positive attitude.

Three attitude shifts for real estate agents and how they helped one agent find 7 immediate sellers in 3 hours and just 19 contacts…

  1. Possibility thinking: Ask yourself the following questions – 
  • What is possible in my area?
  • What is possible if I become the dominant agent in my area?
  1. A positive mental attitude: Even if you don’t feel positive, act positive. When you act positive the world gathers positivity around you.From here you’ll be amazed at how quickly your results can turn with a positive mental attitude.
  2. Excitement: Consider that right now, in your area, there are people who have only just decided to put their home on the market.Consider that you are the right person to help them get happily moved and on with their lives. Create excitement around finding these now sellers today.When you reach out to them they will be so happy that you came into their lives at just the right time.

Obviously the tools within the sales process play a massive role in growing results.

For this reason, I have recorded a more in depth one hour training session aimed at helping agents to add an extra $100k per year to their personal income. Click here to view the training now…

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Michael Kies
Michael Kies
Like my page for marketing tools for real estate agents, training videos, and motivation to get the most out of your career.

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