Developing an addiction to results in real estate sales

Three secrets to closing more listing appointments in real estate
April 19, 2018
Episode 25: Developing an addiction to real estate sales – the video game comparison
April 30, 2018
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Developing an addiction to results in real estate sales

Developing an addiction to results in real estate

Why are video games so addictive? Wouldn’t it be nice if we became addicted to results in real estate?

Unfortunately for many agents they look at their career in real estate as a chore; something they have to do instead of something they want to do.

They never seem to get above break even, just surviving week-to-week and hanging onto their job.

This just amazes me! There is nothing that compares to the potential earnings and lifestyle that a good, productive career in real estate can provide for you.

But, there are those who have developed an addiction to results in real estate. They use the three things I am about to share with you, and they are unstoppable.

They never look at real estate as a job; they have a career which they are proud of and cherish the opportunity that they have.

They become unstoppable because they are addicted to the feeling that results give them.


Develop an addiction to results in real estateJack’s Story: Jack developed an addiction to results in real estate and is earning five times the amount he was making in retail sales…

Jack used to work in retail.

He worked hard but had a ceiling on his earning potential.

Now, 3 years later, he is addicted to results in real estate and making five times what he earned in retail, because he follows these three key principles:

  1. Progress. Not perfection.
    The reason computer games entice people to become addicted, especially kids, is that there are levels of progress. So when you have mastered the beginners level, you move to the next level, then the next, then the next. The levels just seem to keep going. When you successfully complete a level you feel like you have had a win and you are ready for the next challenge. This is progress.How do you apply this to your real estate career so that you can become addicted to results?

    It’s very simple. You must progress toward your goals everyday. You must win every day.

    Do this by working on the actions that will get you a result.

    Some people have been know to stay up all night to successfully complete a level on a game, you don’t go home until you get a result.

    If you implement this you feel a wonderful sense of achievement and progress every day.

  2. The mood you go home in will be the mood you start the next day with.
    Be very careful to go home in a good positive mood. Regardless of the circumstance, you are responsible for the mood you go home in. As an example, let’s say your mother has just listed her house with your competitor. This would have to be one of the worst scenarios imaginable for a real estate agent.How do you recover from this?

    Call five happy vendors or buyers who you have dealt with in the past and ask for a referral.

    If you don’t get a referral then make calls until you create at least one good listing appointment.

    When you focus you will create one good listing appointment (usually within 3 hours).

    Then go home with a sense of achievement and progress.

  3. Take massive, productive action
    Taking massive, productive action is the best antidote to feelings of self-pity. Get to work on the productive actions and take back control. Soon you will feel that you are making progress. It’s when we feel like we are not making progress and do nothing about it that we become down. Get to work on the actions that produce results, which progress you towards your goals.

Addiction to results in real estate Michael KiesAttempting to get a child away from their favourite computer game is near impossible.

They are addicted to it because they want to continually progress, which is what happened to me when I was in real estate.

This can happen to you to by making sure you positively progress every day, you go home in a good mood and you commence on the massive right actions you need to create results.

If you implement these three steps you will develop an addiction to results in real estate just like I did and Jack has.

To find out more about how to create more consistency in your career and add an extra $100,000 to your income in the next 12 months click here for a complimentary one hour training session.

Michael Kies
Michael Kies
Like my page for marketing tools for real estate agents, training videos, and motivation to get the most out of your career.

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