Today I share the things you must do for a successful recovery from the effects of the COVID19 shut down in real estate sales.
Now more than ever, it’s time to shine and make the most of the great opportunities that are available to you.
There are people who are doing this and making good sales despite all the negativity over the last couple of months.
One of my clients Jason, who owns his own agency, told me that he just had his best April on record in 2020 and I thought I would share with you why.
1. He and his team have been working hard every day on the right actions.
Do this and you to will be on your way to greatness.
2. Great record keeping with a plan for action.
If you don’t have a plan you are planning to fail.
What is your plan for today, this week, this month, next month, this quarter, this year?
It takes around two months to change a habit, so change your habits to good productive habits like doing the most productive thing at every given moment (find listings).
As the restrictions are starting to lift potential sellers will take their plans off hold and will be looking to move, and by being the person who speaks to them first you will more than likely have a good chance of listing their property.
3. Negotiation skills.
Be determined to get the highest price the buyer can pay.
Here are 7 tips on negotiation.
1. Never split the difference.
2. The buyers offer is an anchor which means they are just trying to get a bargain.
3. As the lock down restrictions are lifted there will be more and better buyers so if the sellers can wait they may get a much better price.
4. Active listening.
By listening intensely, you demonstrate empathy and show a sincere desire to better understand your clients needs.
This is called tactical empathy.
5. Negotiation.
Negotiation is nothing more than communication with results.
6. Slow things down.
Slowing things down calms the process. Be a mirror.
7. People fear what’s different and are drawn to what is similar.
It’s like when you’ve been wanting to buy something and the salesperson has put you off.
Usually this happens because they have not listened to you and have made false assumptions about your needs. When this happens, what do you do?
You become determined to never return.
By following the 7 short tips on negotiation I just shared, this will never happen between you and a client ever again. Do your best and do what it takes to get yourself back on track.
If you find yourself thinking about how tough things are right now and just can’t seem to get into your power zone then, email and make a time to speak with me. I can help!