As we near the end of 2019 it’s time to reflect and plan a great year for 2020.
If you are not happy with your results for 2019, then it’s a good time to reflect on change because if you do the same in 2020 as you have been doing in 2019, then you will get the same result.
If you have been selling real estate for a few years and haven’t been improving then change is a must for the next year.
If change doesn’t happen you will be in the same situation this time next year.
But the people who change and get this right can increase their personal income dramatically.
I have spoken about Bec before but I want to give you her actual figures, from before and after she implemented change.
Before she changed she always earned about $65,000 per year and in the financial year ending 30th June 2019 she earned $103,000.
She’s now on track to do even better this year.
• Make the decision to step outside your comfort zone and do the things that losers don’t do.
• Decide to improve your mindset.
• Decide to set challenging goals that will stretch you.
• Decide to get to work and do the most productive thing at every given moment.
• If nothing changes, nothing changes.
• If you want to increase your results, increase your actions.
• Nothing worthwhile has ever been achieved without going outside our comfort zone.
• Be relentless about reaching your targets.
• Be relentless about improving your knowledge.
• Be relentless about improving your skills
• Be relentless about becoming unstoppable.
When NASA decided to put a man on the moon, they overcame, invented and changed the history of space travel.
If you overcome, reinvent yourself and apply positive change relentlessly to your real estate career, you will change your history.
If you want to use the system that I used to average 12 listings and 11 sales per month, then you should consider attending the next Success in Real Estate, which is being held in February in Sydney.
At Success in Real Estate I show you exactly what to do every day to become unstoppable and how to get to the top in real estate, so that in ten years from now you will have financial freedom and have the choice to work or not.
So if 2020 is the year that you want to see great growth in sales, book a call with me and we can run through where you are at, and map out where you can be in 12 months from now.