The seven key things you must do to close sales in real estate

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The seven key things you must do to close sales in real estate

The seven key things you must do to close sales in real estate…

close in real estate sales

Most people either close too soon or don’t close at all in real estate sales and they are selling themselves short.

I went to my first listing with my leader and at the end of the listing presentation he chose to say; “I suppose you want to think it over“.

I was horrified.

We had come in separate cars, so I stayed and closed to get the listing.

The salespeople who follow the seven things I’m about to share with you, list and sell at least 4 times as many properties as the average salesperson. They thrive while others struggle.

I just received a wonderful message from one of my coaching clients that said he secured a listing by using what I’m about to share with you.

These are the seven keys I used to average 12 listings per month for 12 years

1. Save the close for the right time.

Do not close until the time is right.

Follow this sequence:

1. Attention
2. Interest
3. Desire
4. Close

Close too early and you put people off, close too late and you miss out.

2. Have the people you are presenting to summarise.

You do this by asking them good, intelligent, leading questions.

Your goal is to have them tell you what you want to tell them by summarising.

3. At the end of the presentation ask this question “How do you feel about me getting you happily moved?

4. Welcome objections.

Remember people will use objections to stall and give themselves time to think. You should love objections.

5. Ask them why they feel that way, and then say – “In addition to that…

6. Ask for the listing and move onto the paperwork.

7. Once you have closed, thank them for their trust in you and promise you won’t let them down.

Then deliver on that promise.

By following these seven steps you will close more listings and make more sales.

win more listingsIt’s like the airline pilot who goes through their checklist before they even start the aircraft. They know that if they miss one thing (not having the flaps in the right position, not checking the safety features, etc.) it can be fatal.

The same applies to your real estate career.

Use these seven keys as a checklist and get more listings and make more sales.

If you want to use the system that I used to average 12 listings and 11 sales per month, then you should consider attending the next Success in Real Estate, which is being held in February in Sydney.

At Success in Real Estate I show you exactly what to do every day to become unstoppable and how to get to the top in real estate so that in ten years from now you will have financial freedom and have the choice to work or not.

So if 2019 is the year that you want to see great growth in sales, book a call with me and we can run through where you are at, and map out where you can be in 12 months from now.

Michael Kies
Michael Kies
Like my page for marketing tools for real estate agents, training videos, and motivation to get the most out of your career.

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