Episode 59: Building funnels or selling houses?

Building funnels or selling houses in real estate?
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Episode 60: The three necessary ingredients to sell properties in a tough market
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Episode 59: Building funnels or selling houses?

59_SiREPodcast_Episode-59 Building funnels or selling houses

Just months ago agents were making plenty of sales, but now it is becoming harder and harder. The market has dropped, listings are sitting and buyers are not offering.

  • We work hard but we are seeing listings stay on the market for longer periods
  • We work hard but we are seeing buyers procrastinating
  • We work hard but we are seeing no money in return for our efforts

So we see a bright shiny headline promising us thousands of listings through a free “training” event, using social media, or marketing.

And what’s worse is that many agents may be financially stressed already, so they choose to go to the course about social media which promises them thousands of listings from a “free event”.

In the past when the market has declined many agents closed their businesses, because they reached out to the wrong people when things weren’t going well.

As salespeople, our focus needs to be on selling houses and not on building funnels.

One client of Michael’s Wayne, knows the value of action in real estate. He has made over $100,000 from the Success in Real Estate course, by implementing the signature process Michael used to average 11 individual house sales per month for 12 years. This is all covered in this weeks episode.

Michael Kies
Michael Kies
Like my page for marketing tools for real estate agents, training videos, and motivation to get the most out of your career.

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