Building funnels or selling houses in real estate?

How to improve your list to sell ratio in real estate sales
April 18, 2019
59_SiREPodcast_Episode-59 Building funnels or selling houses
Episode 59: Building funnels or selling houses?
May 2, 2019
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Building funnels or selling houses in real estate?

Building funnels or selling houses in real estate?

Just months ago we were making plenty of sales, but now it is becoming harder and harder. The market has dropped, listings are sitting and buyers are not offering.

• We work hard but we are seeing listings stay on the market for longer periods

• We work hard but we are seeing buyers procrastinating

• We work hard but we are seeing no money in return for our efforts

So we see a bright shiny headline promising us thousands of listings through a free “training” event, using social media, or marketing.

And what’s worse is that many agents will experience fear arising for their long term future in a down market, they may be financially stressed already so they choose to go to the course about social media which promises them thousands of listings from a “free event”.

When I was in a down market before, many agents closed their businesses, because they reached out to the wrong people when things weren’t going well.

There are 2 main ways agents go broke in a down market…

1. Marketing vs. direct action:

We all know that marketing our businesses using social media, and many other platforms is important.

But the reality is that the direct approach is quicker in making sales and vital for those who are struggling right now.

I have a program which I teach at my Success in Real Estate event.

This program runs over five days and the least amount of listings I have ever seen is 3 listings in 5 days.

This is not about spending hours and hours sitting at a desk building funnels.

This is about building relationships and selling houses quickly.

2. Losing money: This is a big one.

When the market turns, many agents believe a few key myths which result in them losing money:

• Their fee is too high so they start cutting their fee. This is not true as I had the highest fee in my area in a down market and averaged 11 house sales a month.

• Their listings aren’t selling as there are no buyers around. In this case the listings are often “on the market” just not “in the market”.

I teach a full price reduction formula at Success in Real Estate to help you sell your listings, so that they aren’t withdrawn.

If listings aren’t selling, this means withdrawns.

For every withdrawn the vendor will tell approximately 100 people that you are incompetent. No one can survive this sort of bad publicity. Both of these mindsets result in losing money – cutting your fee and competing on price is living in poverty.

There is another way.

In fact a client of mine Wayne, knows the value of action in real estate.

He has made over $100,000 from my course, by implementing the signature process I used to average 11 individual house sales per month for 12 years.

At my Success in Real Estate event I teach the exact process I used to help vendors move from a state of fear and inaction, to a state of excitement about the future and a want to list their property.

I teach you how to nullify your fears around direct sales and move from a state of inaction to a state of action.

I teach you how to help the vendor move past the mindset of rigidity in price to help you compound one sale to 10 sales for the future.

I teach you my exact signature process, from goal setting and time management, to prospecting, listing, reducing, selling, marketing and getting referrals that helped me to sell over 2,000 homes.

If you follow the process that I teach at my Success in Real Estate event, I can guarantee a minimum of $100k added to your commissions per year.

Again I cover the exact signature process I used to average 11 individual house sales per month for 12 years.

The whole process from start to finish; setting your goals, prospecting for business, a listening based listing presentation, price reductions to reduce withdrawns, marketing, buyer work, and getting referrals.

At Success in Real Estate I show you exactly what to do every day to become unstoppable and how to get to the top in real estate so that in ten years from now you will have financial freedom and have the choice to work or not.

If you continue to do the same things today as you did yesterday then nothing will change, but if you decide to change and to learn how to make sales in a tough market, your life and career can and will start improving immediately.

So if 2019 is the year that you want to see great growth in sales, book a call with me and we can run through where you are at, and map out where you can be in 12 months from now.

If you want to find out more about how you can list more properties than you thought possible, click the link to find out more about my 3-day Success in Real Estate program, which covers this in great detail.

Michael Kies
Michael Kies
Like my page for marketing tools for real estate agents, training videos, and motivation to get the most out of your career.

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