How to plan your days and weeks so you can increase your results dramatically in real estate sales…
There is an old saying that if you don’t have a plan, you are planning to fail.
Salespeople who are winging it are doing exactly that. If you don’t have a plan, start today with what I am about to share with you.
The salespeople who follow a proven plan on how to make sales in a tough market know what to do every day and thrive.
You too can change your career from struggling to thriving if you have these three things in your career and life.
How to plan your days and weeks so you can increase your results dramatically in real estate sales…
1. Choose a growth mindset.
In Carol S. Dweck’s book “Mindset” she says we have a choice; either we apply a limiting mindset or a growth mindset to everything in our lives.
Make the decision today (from this moment), to apply a growth mindset to every area of your life.
2. Attitude.
Your attitude determines your altitude. The better your attitude, the better your results.
If you want a strong, positive mental attitude then you need to exercise it by reading good, inspiring books and listening to audiobooks.
The book that changed my life was “Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude” by W. Clement Stone.
Start building your positive mental attitude muscle today.
3. Plan for success.
Have you ever said, “Someday I will get around to writing a plan and then implementing it, but I will do it tomorrow“? And then tomorrow never comes.
If this sounds like you, then you have resistance and you need help.
You have resistance and this is a serious factor which is holding you back.
If it’s ever taken you days to write an advertisement, then you know what writers experience all the time (known as writer’s block), which is simply resistance.
This stops you from reaching your potential.
So apply this saying in everything you do: “DO IT NOW!” Decide to have a growth mindset with a positive mental attitude and a plan to follow every day.
Do you know someone who keeps saying “I wish” or “I should have” or something similar?
These people have resistance and will never reach their full potential.
Having resistance is like having a toothache.
You put off going to the dentist until the pain becomes unbearable, then after you have been to the dentist and the pain stops you wonder why you waited so long.
The same thing happens with your real estate career; you experience severe pain from low results (you even get pressure from your leader) until you relieve the pain by sacking the resistance and developing your mindset, attitude and planning skills to put you on the path to greatness.
You are just one decision away from being great in real estate. Make the decision today. The clock is ticking.
If you are experiencing resistance by procrastinating and yet you are determined to succeed in real estate but feel you need help – book a call with me. Always do your best.
If you want to find out more about how you can list more properties than you thought possible, click the link to find out more about my 3-day Success in Real Estate program, which covers this in great detail.