Now all the Hoo-Haa is over with from Christmas and New Year, its time to take action on your New Year’s Resolutions in real estate sales.
So many people have such good intentions when making ambitious New Year’s Resolutions in real estate sales. They say things like, “this is going to be my year!” or “I am going to dominate my market this year“.
However, this is quite often followed by the same routine, then they are left wondering why they are getting the same low results and not making much money.
The salespeople who get this right have a plan of action and follow that plan every day.
They enact their New Year’s Resolution in real estate sales and get results, which means continual positive progress as their career develops.
They are organised and appreciate that every moment counts.
Murray didn’t have a plan to follow when he employed me in November last year and now he has a specific plan to follow in this tough market.
By following that plan in December he had his best December ever by making 6 sales.
He obviously didn’t say, “It’s quiet around Christmas and New Year“.
His targets for 2019 are 12 listings and 8 sales every month. How would you like to do the same?
Well here are a few things to get you started.
Three steps to keeping your New Year’s Resolutions in real estate sales:
1. Plan.
Follow a proven plan. This means doing the right actions.
You know which activities produce results and those that don’t.
So make sure you are like Murray; follow a results-producing plan and do not waste your time.
2. Massive Actions.
Massive actions will get you massive results.
Stop whining, complaining and blaming, and get to work with massive actions, and your results will climb dramatically.
Nothing will work unless you do, by taking massive action.
3. Persist.
There are two types of persistence.
1. Wrong actions.
2. Right actions.
When you persist on the right actions you become unstoppable.
When things go right (as they surely will), persist and say “I will win!”
They say every great journey begins with a single step, just like when the explorer Ernest Shackleton brought all his men safely back from the South Pole after their ship got caught and sunk in the ice.
With persistence and a great attitude he achieved the impossible and all his crew survived.
That’s the power of persistence with a great attitude.
Apply this in your real estate career and you to will be on your way to getting 12 listings and 8 sales every month.
If you would like help with planning for 2019 – book a call with me. Always do your best.
If you want to find out more about how you can list more properties than you thought possible, click the link to find out more about my 3-day Success in Real Estate program, which covers this in great detail.