47_SiREPodcast_Episode-47 How to list more properties in a tough market
Episode 47: How to list more properties in a tough market
November 29, 2018
48_SiREPodcast_Episode-48 Leading sellers to list with you in real estate sales
Episode 48: Leading sellers to list with you in real estate sales
December 13, 2018
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Leading sellers to list with you in real estate sales

Leading sellers to list with you in real estate sales

Some of the challenging phrases we face at listing presentations are:

  • “The price is too low.”
  • “Your fees are too high.”
  • “Your marketing is too expensive.”
  • “We want to wait until the market gets better.”
  • and I am sure you have many more.

If we don’t know how to overcome these and the other challenges at the listing presentation, then we will never list anywhere near the number of properties we are capable of.

We must develop our skills to mastery on each of these challenges, to be able to list and sell to a level where we feel a sense of control in life, and make more money.

Simon is one of my clients and since he has attended Success in Real Estate his list to listing presentation ratio has risen by 20%.

Just imagine if you were able to raise your listing appointment to listed property ratio by 20%; what would that do to your income?

Three key tools that I used at the listing presentation to average 12 listings per month for 12 years:

  1. Have the desired outcome in my mind…

I would alway have the desired outcome in my mind from the very first contact I had with the sellers; to get the listing.

When you walk up to a door and know you are not leaving until you have the listing, your resolve and resourcefulness become a magnificent asset to you.

If you walk in without this determination, sellers sense it. They will get rid of you because you are not confident.

If you don’t act confidently then you will not list many properties.


Do not be a teller and talk your way out of the listing.

There are many salespeople who have talked their way out of listings but you will never listen your way out of a listing.

Listening builds trust and people list with people that they like and trust. To help people to like and trust you THINK-ASK-LISTEN.


Lead early; lead often and then get the listing.

The objections I mentioned earlier can all be overcome by asking beautifully crafted, wonderful, leading questions. You need to have little comebacks for common objections, such as “Your fees are too high…

Reply with: “Most things are these days, aren’t they?

I am currently building a library at my home and I need shelves, so I am calling cabinet makers to quote on the job. One company I spoke to said they couldn’t help me because they are booked up until March next year and terminated the call.

I was amazed and asked myself how many sales this company is losing? All she had to do was ask me when I wanted to install these shelves and I would have told her February but I can wait until March.

So by failing to think, ask and listen they lost a big sale, plus all the referral business they could have received from this job.

Are you guilty of doing this?

If you want to find out more about how you can list more properties than you thought possible, click the link to find out more about my 3-day Success in Real Estate program, which covers this in great detail.

Michael Kies
Michael Kies
Like my page for marketing tools for real estate agents, training videos, and motivation to get the most out of your career.

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