Episode 39: Feeling emotionally drained? Tools for turning this around in real estate sales...

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Feeling emotionally drained? Tools for turning this around in real estate sales
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Episode 39: Feeling emotionally drained? Tools for turning this around in real estate sales…


Being a real estate salesperson is like being on a roller coaster; some weeks we are so high up that we feel like we could touch the clouds, and then the next week that horrible feeling in the pit of the stomach hits you while you fall to the bottom of the track.

It is absolutely normal to go through periods where we feel emotionally drained. This week I cover the simple five step process for turning this around, that helped one of my clients go from lethargy to being up at 6am for exercise within 24 hours.

Michael Kies
Michael Kies
Like my page for marketing tools for real estate agents, training videos, and motivation to get the most out of your career.

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