Quite often agents will discuss their concerns with dealing with buyers, however more often than not, the problem is actually with finding listings in real estate sales.
I have just been speaking with someone who has joined The Success Club and he said to me that he is having trouble with buyers.
In reality he doesn’t have trouble with buyers because he only has 1 good listing and 5 other listings that are overpriced. He has a listing problem and finding listings in real estate sales is the key to success.
My goal is for him is to have 20 good, saleable listings on his books at any one time, with a listings target of 12 listings per month.
The people who get this wrong have a terrible time trying to make sales and are usually trying to do so by selling the listings of other agents. This leads to a hard, poverty stricken life.
The people who get this right love going to work, and in particular buyer work is a breeze. They have good, saleable listings on the market.
What a difference many good, saleable listings make.
When I first started in real estate I worked with many buyers and made few sales. I shifted my focus to finding listings (my mantra was to become the leanest, meanest listing machine in the north), and by making this change was able to make 11 sales per month for 12 years.
At my Success in Real Estate program I had the audience complete a task and by the end of the program we had appointments, that if listed and sold, would bring in over $250,000 in fees. One agent came to me and said that no other program had given him a direct return on investment like Success in Real Estate.
So, the first thing you can start doing right now to help you find more listings in real estate sales is to SMP: See more people.
This is basic but the more people you see the more listings you get.
A person I coach told me this morning that from one door knock, he listed and sold a property that brought in a fee of $22,000. I used to have a small 7 day supermarket and it would take me a year to make what I have made in 1 month in real estate.
This is the most wonderful career in the world to be in when you have these three things in place:
1. Know your stuff.
2. Action orientation.
3. Can-do attitude.
John McDouall Stuart was one of the most accomplished explorers in the British Empire. He was the first to cross the continent from Adelaide to Darwin, and the reason that he could achieve this and no one else could –
He had an uncanny ability to find water and there were many people who had perished from lack of water.
The same applies to finding listings in real estate sales.
The salespeople who have the knowledge, skill and drive to find listings, like Stuart did in his unique ability to find water, will survive and thrive in the wonderful world of real estate.
The next Success in Real Estate program carries a very attractive guarantee.
If you don’t make at least 10 extra sales over the next 12 months from what you learn and put into action from Success in Real Estate then we will give you your money back.