How instant gratification destroys success in real estate

Episode 36: Keeping your full professional fee in real estate sales
August 17, 2018
Episode 37: How instant gratification destroys success in real estate
August 24, 2018
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How instant gratification destroys success in real estate

Have you ever come across an agent who lives to sit down at night, with a six pack of beer in front of the TV? This sort of instant gratification could be destroying their success in real estate.

A leader asked me recently why struggling salespeople seem to:

  • Spend more time watching TV than they do improving their skills?
  • Spend more money on alcohol than they do on training programs or books?

The main reasons they do this is because they are comfortable and have an instant gratification mentality. Although this may be okay in the short term. Living sale-to-sale, for the long term leads to disaster when it comes to achieving Success in Real Estate.

The salespeople who get this wrong, think from day-to-day instead of having big, exciting long term goals.

They remain stagnant; if nothing changes, nothing will change. They always struggle to find success in real estate which would allow them to save money and they end up retiring in poverty.

But the salesperson who makes a decision today to continually improve and do what they say they will do, will have a great future.

They improve every day, month and year, no matter what is happening in the market. success in real estate

They have a great sense of achievement every day because they know they have done their best.

Mark’s story of Success in Real Estate

I am working with Mark and he has had his best results month in years because he has followed the advice I gave him.

At the start of last month Mark listed 6 properties and sold 4 of his own listings. You too can achieve these results, all you need to do is follow the advice I gave Mark.

Three strategies Mark used to achieve Success in Real Estate

1. Your default task.

Make your default task prospecting.

Every spare moment you have during the day, call people to find out if they are thinking about selling their property.

If you have twenty minutes spare between appointments, make calls and you will find one of those calls will lead to a listing that you wouldn’t have had, had you not made that call.

2. Stop wasting time on non-results producing activities.

What is a non-results producing activity? Watching TV, drinking alcohol every night, scrolling through social media throughout the day.

Replace these activities with listening and reading about how to improve your skills and make more sales.

Many times I have either just read or listened to something that helped me get the next listing or lead a procrastinating buyer to buy the house they love.

Everybody wins. Your clients win because you are getting better and you win because you get paid more and feel great about yourself. You begin to feel in control of your career and receive wonderful testimonials and referrals.

Your family wins because you are able give them a better life and your relationships get better because you are in a better mood.

3. Get to work.

This will propel your CAREER  to great things.

Motion determines emotion.

Instead of creating a time log, just make every working moment dollar productive so that if you are not at a listing appointment, price adjustment appointment, buyer appointment or negotiating a sale – then you are prospecting.

When you are dedicated to making your default task prospecting you are on your way to Success in Real Estate.

Commitment to continual improvement and making your spare time productive, puts you on your way to greatness.

The tale of two doctors

Doctor One: This doctor constantly keeps up to date with current medical practices, attends training to make sure they have current knowledge in their area, and chooses to improve every day.

Doctor Two: This doctor watches the clock while he is at “work”, he reads social media in his spare time, and cannot wait to get home to open a beer and turn on his favourite TV.

Which doctor would you want to treat you?
The one who is trained and up to date of course.
This is exactly what sellers and buyers want.

So by making your default task prospecting, using your time wisely and working productively, you will see an instant improvement in your results.

Alway do your best and you will find Success in Real Estate.

The next Success in Real Estate program carries a very attractive guarantee. 

If you don’t make at least 10 extra sales over the next 12 months from what you learn and put into action from Success in Real Estate then we will give you your money back.

 Click here to register now…

Michael Kies
Michael Kies
Like my page for marketing tools for real estate agents, training videos, and motivation to get the most out of your career.

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