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10,000 hours of study or 22 sales in 8 months? We have all heard (countless times) that we must study for 10,000 hours to become a master in our field.
But, does 10,000 hours seem like a huge and overwhelming investment of time in the now, when the demands on our time are never-ending? Do you think that this long-term thinking may put some people off?
I mean, how many hours is that per day? Is it a helpful piece of advice to just tell people to study for 10,000 hours? I think not.
I think, we need to learn the specific strategies that will bring immediate growth. If eventually we reach 10,000 hours that will be a bonus, but after all what we really want is results, right?
To illustrate my point, I want to share the story of my client Jack.
Jack came to my Success in Real Estate course, and within 8 months he sold 22 extra houses just from the strategies he learned.
Just recently when I spoke with him, he is now on the way to $1 million per year.
In his first 2 years he would read my listing presentation section of the Success in Real Estate manual before every listing, and these strategies helped him to deal with the objections that arose.
Now, it hasn’t taken Jack 10,000 hours to start seeing excellent results.
He explained that the key tool that helped him increase his results was the ability to use proven strategies for each component of real estate sales.
This is not studying for 10,000 hours, this is flicking to the specific chapter relevant to your situation, and using the strategy straight away.
Look, I’m all for reading, but you don’t have to wait until 10,000 hours of study is done, before you can see success in real estate.
I had a situation when I first started in real estate where I went 7 weeks without a sale, and I bought a very specific program on selling tools.
I used them and sold 19 houses the next month.
If we can afford to spend 10,000 hours reading mindset material that’s wonderful and well worth it, but if it’s results you need, find the material you need right now that is relevant to your situation.
After implementing my Success in Real Estate program, Jack sold an extra 22 houses in 8 months.
This works out to be an extra $330,000 in professional fees that Jack has bought in.
So I guess we have 2 choices:
Obviously the tools within the sales process play a massive role in growing results.
For this reason, I have created my success in real estate program that includes a 120 page manual with reference guide, so you can flick to the section you need, just like Jack did.
If you want to know more about honing your skills in real estate, I have a full three day training program called Success in Real Estate which you can register for here.
At the beginning of the course you will be given a 120 page manual which includes all of my practical tools for overcoming the common obstacles in real estate sales. Put your name down now…