Success in Real Estate Podcast - Episode 07
Episode 07: How to beat your real estate PB
November 15, 2017
Success in Real Estate Podcast - Episode 08
Episode 08: The Swerve Factor – How structured tenacity can help you make more sales while working less
November 20, 2017
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Beating your personal best in real estate sales

By Michael Kies

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Need more listings? click here and view the one hour training session aimed at helping agents to add an extra $100k per year to their personal income.


Beating your personal best in real estate sales

Is your personal best in terms of listings and sales, the best you can achieve? Today I share the story of how I took my personal best and doubled it over a 12 month period, which helped me to pay off my home completely within 2.5 years.

This is not from a textbook, this is what I used to become financially independent and very happy in my personal life and business life.

I have found that by using these techniques you can determine your own destiny. You will not be subject to what other people want from you because you are just getting by. You know you want more, much more and this is good.

Scott’s story: 18 results in 14 days

Scott came to me after an average quarter of $64,000. He had decided that he wanted to draw a line in the sand and really give real estate a go.

So I spoke with him about how I used the following three tools to beat my personal best and basically change my life.

We ran through everything that he needed to do.

The very next quarter Scott achieved $217,000 – that’s an extra $153,000 for the quarter. 

The difference is in getting your mindset right and then creating a plan to achieve the goals that you will set, after absorbing this podcast.

There are three important questions to ask yourself about beating your personal best 

  1. Is your best really your best?
    Or can you do better? If you max out on push-ups is that your personal best? What if you did more and more push-ups every day? Is your first best still your “personal best”?

  2. When you have done your personal best is that the best that you can do?
    No, because you can have a rest and then do some more. The same applies in a real estate career. When you think you have given something your best (at a listing presentation, a price reduction or making a sale) take a break and look at it from a different angle. A lot of the time you will surprise yourself by doing better than you thought was your personal best.

  3. What’s the difference between the successful salesperson and the one who has a personal best ceiling?
    The difference is that successful salespeople have the training in place to beat their personal best. What causes salespeople to coast is comfort and lack of drive. Use the three tools listed below and you will never lack a sense of purpose in your life again.

Do you ever feel like you are just going through the motions and need something to take you to the next level? For example, that may be moving forward from 4 sales a month to 8 sales a month.

michael kies personal best

Three keys for beating your personal best in real estate sales 

  1.   Tenacity
    Be tenacious in everything you do. This is more than being persistent. This is being relentless in pursuing your goals. When you do this nothing is going to stop you from taking and stretching your career to the next level.

    Tenacity in goal setting

    I dare you to set some goals right now that you feel are going to be a real stretch for you. For example, 96 sales over the next 12 months.

    What would that do for you, not only financially but for self-confidence?

    What will you own in 12 months time by making 96 sales or just 8 sales a month? What will you do? Set these goals now and think like you have already achieved this. Do this now then be tenacious and relentless in achieving these goals.

  2. Belief
    Without self-belief it’s next to impossible to achieve success in real estate. So how do you nurture your own self-belief to become unstoppable?

    Make a decision to always think about the positives and never dwell on the negatives.

    The most powerful word in real estate is “NEXT”.

    If you have just lost a listing or sale, learn from it and ask yourself:

    “What did I do right?”

    “What could I have done better?”

    Then “Next”…

    Because opportunities are like buses, there is always another one coming along.

    To have great confidence you must be competent. Make a decision now to study and learn the art of listing and selling.

  3. Acceptance

    You must believe that you deserve what you are striving towards.

    Lots of people set goals and then find they have self-limiting beliefs and don’t feel they deserve their desires.

The symptoms that you are missing one of these keys for Success in Real Estate:

  1. You leave listing appointments when people say they want to think it over.
  2. You feel like there is no point.
  3. You know you could do better but just don’t have a purpose.
  4. You struggle to get out of bed in the morning.
  5. You are struggling in life in general.

The salesperson who gets this right will be on their way to making an extra four sales per month, over and above what they are doing now.

Often this means they could have their house paid off in a few years. How would that feel? Is it worth it?

So be tenacious, believe in yourself and accept that you deserve a better life. You deserve to be financially free. When you have these three keys in place, then you are on your way to great success in real estate.

Obviously the tools within the sales process play a massive role in growing results.

For this reason, I have recorded a more in depth one hour training session aimed at helping agents to add an extra $100k per year to their personal income. Click here to view the training now…

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Michael Kies
Michael Kies
Like my page for marketing tools for real estate agents, training videos, and motivation to get the most out of your career.

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