A sales slump is a period of low results in real estate sales. We must focus, get rid of the big picture disease in real estate, and get to work on the right results producing actions in order to turn this around.
So if you are in a sales slump or just not getting the number of sales and listings that you would like, I promise you that by following these three simple steps you will turn this around immediately.
This is not based on theory as it is with many other thought leaders. I personally used this for 25 years to list more properties and make more sales than I ever thought possible.
I wish I had been given this when I began my career in real estate some 30 years ago.
When I started in real estate I struggled in a sales slump and nearly quit. The thing that stopped me from quitting was my wife Tina who said: “What are you going to do then smarty, go back on the unemployment queue?” Then my kids were questioning me as to whether I was really a quitter.
That moment was such an important time in my life because I think if I had quit then I would have been a quitter all my life.
So if you are at a cross road right now read on and follow my suggestions and you will climb out of that sales slump just like I did. Just by doing this I made 19 individual house sales the very next month. If I did it you can do it to.
In the last episode of the success in real estate podcast we discussed skill and how by improving one agent’s limiting skill she was able to go from the bottom salesperson on her sales team to the top salesperson in a very short time.
The difference was focusing on improving her skills and identifying her limiting skill that was holding her back, which was not knowing how to reduce.
Some months later I had a call with this same salesperson who had targets of 12 listings and 8 sales – it was the 14th of the month and she was on 0 listings and 0 sales.
She once again asked for help and I shared with her what I am about to share with you now and Linda finished the month on 11 Listings and 7 sales. That’s 18 results in just 14 days! If Linda can do it so can you!
The first thing that good salespeople do is reach out and the second thing is they take the advice and put it into practice.
The advice I shared with Linda was exactly what I did to get out of the first sales slump I had and any further slumps I experienced.
So why is it that one salesperson goes into a slump and can’t recover and quits and another is in a sales slump, recovers and goes onto a very prosperous career in this wonderful world of real estate?
You have a choice of either focusing on what doesn’t work or focusing on what will work. So what will you focus on? When you are in a slump you tend to focus on the negatives of how bad the market is or how hard it is to find listings. It’s like an inexperienced driver focuses on a tree when they are out of control and that’s exactly where they don’t want to go. Where as the experienced driver, when out of control, focuses on the open space and come to a halt safely. The same thing applies to real estate.
– Focus on where your next listing will come from.
– Focus on your next sale.
– Focus on how many sales are being made in your area and the abundance of money that’s available to you.
– Intense focus on what you can do will help get you out of a sales slump very quickly.
Don’t be blinded by big picture thinking.
You see, what I did myself and suggested to Linda was to concentrate on what could be achieved in a day, by making it a goal to get one result per day, and that’s exactly what Linda did. Most people focus on their end of month targets or their yearly targets and if they are behind target start thinking what’s the point, I will never reach that target. Ask yourself what positive small step can I take today that will lead me to a result? Dig deep for it, find it and make a commitment to not go home until you have one result per day and the minimum result is to create one good listing appointment every day. Can you do this?
Get off your backside.
We have to realise that the cavalry is not coming and one of the things I learned from Brian Tracy is that “If it’s going to be it’s up to me”. In other words take responsibility for everything in your life right now. You are responsible for the way you think. You are responsible for your results and you are responsible for your actions. If you have not been doing enough of the right actions make the decision today to stop craving distraction and block your time into 50-minute blocks and get to work. 50 minutes on then a 10 minute break. No distractions in the 50 minutes.
If you get these wrong you will be subject to the market and subject to your own negative thinking all the time, your sales will be low, you will be feel depressed and as though you are wasting your time.
But by implementing these steps of focusing on positive, small actions and getting off your backside you will have an abundance of listings and sales and be well on your way to financial freedom.
Just like Linda did you too can go from 0 listings and 0 sales on the 14th of the month to 11 listings and 7 sales by the 28th of the month or 0 sales in seven weeks to 19 sales the very next month just by applying these simple but powerful steps.
I have used them for 30 years and found that every time I was slowing down I used them to immediately improve. I call them the sales slump destroyer.
You see its like driving a modern car compared to a model T, one will get you there and in style but the other won’t. Make the choice to destroy any slump that comes your way immediately, the longer you leave it the worse it gets so apply the positive mantra “positive massive action now.”
Obviously the tools within the sales process play a massive role in growing results.
For this reason, I have recorded a more in depth one hour training session aimed at helping agents to add an extra $100k per year to their personal income. Click here to view the training now…
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