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One tool used by the top 5% of wealthy people and how to use it for real estate success…

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VIDEO TRANSCRIPT: 29th September 2015

Goal setting for real estate agents - Michael KiesIf I told you that I knew one tool that you could use that the top 5% of wealthy people in the world use, would you do it?
Yes, probably, you would at least consider it. But what if I could guarantee that you had heard of this tool before and maybe you haven’t used it to the best of your ability for real estate success?

Goal setting is an absolute must for real estate success and I am not talking about just your weekly/monthly targets.

I mean if we get this wrong we look at our goals like dry and boring numbers, and we think of goal setting as another chore which sits alongside accounts and other un-fun tasks!

But what if I could show you how important this is? Harvard researched it’s own MBA graduates who are some of the most bright, and often already successful people in their own right. They found that 3% of Harvard MBA’s make 10x as much as the other 97% combined.

When they dug a little deeper they found that:


  • 84% had no specific goals at all
  • 13% had goals but they were not committed to paper
  • 3% had clear, written goals and plans to accomplish them

10 years after graduation they were interviewed again – and guess what? 

  • The 13% of the class who had goals were earning, on average, twice as much as the 84 percent who had no goals at all.
  • Even more staggering – the three percent who had clear, written goals were earning, on average, ten times as much as the other 97 percent put together.

I often wonder about the statistics for real estate success. I mean there are a small percentage of agents who do so well and I believe this to be their secret.

And just remember, numbers are not enough… You must have a bigger reason – maybe you want to send your kids to the best school, maybe you are saving for your dream home, maybe, like me, you want to take your kids to Disneyland?

You must have a larger overarching purpose than just your figures and make it visible in your office, wallet, car everywhere – never forget it.
Thanks for watching today – if you would like to join me for my “listing generator system” webinar – register here. If you liked this video please hit the like button, comment and share with your friends.
Michael Kies
Michael Kies
Like my page for marketing tools for real estate agents, training videos, and motivation to get the most out of your career.

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