The word discipline is a magic word that stands out above all the others, especially in real estate sales.
Often people say they will make 40 prospecting calls today (that’s speak to 40 people about the possibility of selling their property) and you only speak to 10 people. This means they are 30 down.
Sometimes they will agree with me and say that they will find and create a good listing appointment that day and they don’t. This means they are down a good listing appointment.
Another thing people say is that they will begin by saving $20 per day and then save nothing for that day for one reason or another. This means they are down $20 for that day.
The danger is real in not achieving what you say you will do.
People often feel there is no harm done in not doing what they say they are going to do – after all it’s just one day.
But these days add up to weeks, months and years and before long people are at risk of living a lifetime of excuses, which is a major disaster.
The first key to discipline is to take total responsibility and be aware of the need for and the value of discipline, especially the discipline to make necessary changes.
The second key to discipline is maintaining the eagerness to keep your new discipline, deliberately and consistently.
The third key to discipline is to see and make the most of opportunities that sometimes come to us as misfortune.
Discipline in real estate makes you feel good, it gives you a positive mindset.
Discipline taps the unlimited power of commitment.
Elbert Hubbard said: ‘Self-discipline is the ability to make yourself do what you should do, when you should do it, whether you feel like it or not.’
If you want a plan to help you become more disciplined and guide you to do the activities that will lead you to making more sales, then you should get hold of my 21 day prosperity planner.