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What the fundamentals of farming teach us about real estate sales…

Michael Kies Dale Carnegie

by Dale Carnegie

Everyday I am reminded how grateful we should be in this wonderful world of real estate. Today is an infamous day in the Barossa Valley, as we had a black frost this morning and some of the best grape growers have lost their entire crop and for some it’s the second consecutive year.

How devastating this is for them and there is little to bounce back to. Their crop is gone and nothing can be done about it. Yet when we look at a career in real estate there are many similarities to farming.

  1. Plant the crop. – Prospecting.
  2. Prune the vines – Nurture the relationship.
  3. Spray the vineyard to prevent diseases. – Keep in touch
  4. Unpredictable changes – List properties
  5. No pay – Get paid no matter what.

That’s why I believe we need to be so grateful for this wonderful world of real estate.

I have been through good markets and terrible markets and the one thing I know is that if you follow the formula to success you will always be prosperous there is always a crop to harvest in real estate.

So remember to always list, reduce and the sales will follow.

As a farmer has to spray for diseases you have to protect your crop by building relationships through great contact with your immediate and future sellers.

Through being grateful every day for what we have you will be immune to the negativity that comes your way and be able to shrug it off.

As Dale Carnegie said in his wonderful book How to stop Worrying and start Living, ‘You must turn lemons into lemonade.’

Today while I was inspecting the frost damage to my, I asked myself how can I turn the frost into lemonade?

  1. I still have about 70 % of the crop left.
  2. There will be less grapes available so demand will increase.
  3. Prices will go up
  •  So when you have a frost in real estate like a sale has fallen over be glad that you still have the listing to sell you will still get rewarded for you effort once you sell the property.
  •  When a vendor withdraws their property from you and lists with another agent. You still have a whole crop to harvest in your service area, you can immediately go out and find a new listing.
  •  When you see another agents sign go up on a listing you were certain you would get. You can still go and find another listing.

So no matter what the weather or the economic climate there is nothing that another 10 sales will not fix.

As Zig Ziglar said ‘Selling is 80% attitude and 20% skill”

That’s why having an attitude of gratitude with an abundance mentality will help you make more sales .

Michael Kies
Michael Kies
Like my page for marketing tools for real estate agents, training videos, and motivation to get the most out of your career.

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