3 easy ways to convert more listings without coming across as pushy in real estate

The Profitable Agency Podcast - Episode 04
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Convert Listings Michael Kies
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3 easy ways to convert more listings without coming across as pushy in real estate

 In real estate we can either convert listings and prosper or leave listing appointment after listing appointment, in the hope that we will receive a call back. Unfortunately the latter rarely sees real estate agents` succeed.
One of the biggest problems agents have, is that they think that if they are persistent in getting a listing, they will come across as being pushy and destroy any relationship they have built up until that point.
Convert Listings Michael KiesMost agents get to a crossroad:
  1. Push just a little more and they may convert the listing
  2. Let their negative thinking take over and back off in the hope that they will call back
How many times do they call us back or return our calls? It’s terribly frustrating isn’t it.
Agents with low skills push and agents with great skills lead. When you lead, you convert more listings.
Leading is intimidating in the agent’s mind, but not a big deal in the potential sellers mind. They are crying out for help to make the decision that is right for them and that decision is to list with you.
If you have ever been in a situation where you have walked out without the listing because you were worried that you would come across as being pushy, then use the following these:

Three easy ways to convert listings without coming across as pushy in real estate sales

1. Lead… don’t push!

Do this by asking good intelligent questions. So many agents say: “I told them…”
This is not for you. From now on you will have the potential seller tell you what you want to tell them and in doing so, in the sellers mind, it becomes truth.
Your listing presentation must be based on asking questions to find out about their past experiences, what they like and dislike about their current house and what they are looking for in an agent.
After they have opened up to you, ask the question “So if I can show you how I get you the very best price, put the most money in your bank account, with the least amount of fuss, you would be happy for me to help you get happily moved, wouldn’t you?’
When they answer “yes“, you have their permission to tailor your listing presentation to suit their needs.
In doing so you have built great rapport and the sellers are really starting to like and trust you.

2. Talk past the sale.

Alway talk as if you are their agent by using words such as we, when, where, and our.
  • We have to work together to get the best price from the buyer.
  • When I bring buyers through…
  • Where would you like the sign to go?
Get them involved; you cannot let them become a spectator.
When they are involved, the positive rapport factor increases dramatically because they are feeling part of the decision.

3. Move onto the paper work early.

Move onto the listing form as soon as you can so that it’s not a big shock at the end of the presentation.
When a potential seller says that they don’t want to sign anything today, what do you think?
You probably think  they are not going to sign anything today. The reason people say they don’t want to do something is because that’s what’s on their mind.
It’s our job to get them over this and help them make the decision that is right for them.
At Success in Real Estate I hold a live listing presentation and demonstrate exactly how to do this.
So from now on be determined to lead, always talking past the sale and move onto the paperwork early and you will list more properties and be very prosperous in this wonderful world of real estate.

Obviously the tools within the sales process play a massive role in growing results.

If you want to know more about honing your skills in real estate, I have a full three day training program called Success in Real Estate which you can register for here.

At the beginning of the course you will be given a 120-page manual which includes all of my practical tools for overcoming the common obstacles in real estate sales. Put your name down now…

Michael Kies
Michael Kies
Like my page for marketing tools for real estate agents, training videos, and motivation to get the most out of your career.

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