Word of Mouth Marketing for Real Estate Agents

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Word of Mouth Marketing for Real Estate Agents

Success in Real Estate Michael Kies

Success in Real Estate – 7th – 9th August – Melbourne

Word of mouth marketing is the most powerful way to build business for real estate agents. It doesn’t matter if you are just starting or if you are very experienced, everyone can get better at building word of mouth marketing in real estate sales.

Word of Mouth Marketing for Real Estate Agents? How do you get more of it working for you in your area?

If you succeed in doing this it will lead to more listings, sales and overall more prosperity in your life.

How? Earn the respect and recommendation of your clients and customers, and they will do the rest.
Treat people really well and they will do the marketing for you, for free!

Be interesting or be invisible. Simple!

When people trust you, they are willing to put their reputation on the line for you. Please them, inspire them and they will bring friends to you.

Here are the top 3 ways to increase word of mouth marketing through local contractors…

  1. Leverage contractors

    Having owned my own agency for 23 years, I know I spent a lot of money in the local community through many local businesses.

    Treat all your tradespeople well, especially if you have a rent roll. One thing you can do which has a great effect in the community, is to write a nice thank you card to all your contractors telling them how wonderful they are. People never get tired of being complimented.

    You might think, what difference could this make?

    Your brand is not your logo or signs; your brand is how the community interacts with you and your company. Make every interaction a positive one in the extreme.

    EXAMPLE 1: Here is an example of just one way to create good word of mouth marketing. Katherine and her husband were vendors of mine. I sold their house and when it went unconditional, I personally delivered $100 worth of flowers to her place of work, which just happened to be the busiest jewellery shop in town. Every time I go in there today they are still talking about it! Within seven days, a work mate listed their house with me because Katherine recommended me so highly.


  2. Have a smile check policy

    You must have a smile on your face with everyone you come into contact with. Never get angry with anyone! Remember if you add the letter “D” to “Anger” you get “Danger”. I refuse to get angry and so should you…

  3. Engage with your local contractors

    A great way to create word of mouth marketing with local businesses is to ask them this question: “What do I need to know about your business to be able to refer people to you?”

    People love talking about their businesses – listen, build rapport and be memorable.

    Who do you think they will call when they are looking to sell or know of someone who needs a good agent?

Success in Real Estate Michael Kies

Success in Real Estate – 7th – 9th August – Melbourne

Want to know how this fits within a greater marketing strategy for real estate agents?

If you would like to know more about my marketing strategies for real estate agencies, I cover this in my 3 day live program “Success in Real Estate” which is coming up in July on the Gold Coast. In fact, you are given a complete 12-month marketing strategy to help you engage with the sellers in your area and get to the listings before the other agents. Click here for more information about Success in Real Estate…

Phone prospecting script…

Also, recently I sent you link to a phone prospecting script – if you haven’t yet downloaded it – You must. I have had such great feedback – people getting many listings. Click here to download your prospecting script now…

Michael Kies
Michael Kies
Like my page for marketing tools for real estate agents, training videos, and motivation to get the most out of your career.

1 Comment

  1. Hi Matt. This vey theme got me thinking last year and I have been sinvtirg to create balance now before I step up the next level. I realised that the nature of building the business is you can’t walk away for a day but you can grab moments every day when you do something for your family, something for you and something to build your business. So Every second Saturday morning I start my open homes at 12 so I can watch my 12 yer old play school rugby and my 9 yer old play club rugby.I leave work every day at 2:45 to collect the boys from school and take them home for afternoon tea then I head back to the office we sold our house and moved to within I kilometre of the office to achieve that.Do I have balance ? More than I had in my first two years am I happier in every facet of my life hell yes! This week I start my pa who happens to be my daughter we have designed a shared week looks great on paper will share how it is going. As we go along and practice it in reality.Angela

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