Training exercise: your dream sheet downloadable tool

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Training exercise: your dream sheet downloadable tool

By Michael Kies

Today I want to do an exercise with you which can really help you at this time of year. It’s going to take a little bit of self reflection but I think we need that at this time of year. Please download the sheet below to get the questions, but I will run through these here on the video too.

So it is a really great time to be in real estate and I suppose when we start the year we are driven by our freshly written goals and targets for the year. And my sincere hope is that you have done great things in January.

I was an agent for 24 years and averaged 11 house sales per month during that time. Why am I telling you this? Because I want you to know that whilst I did that I too had bad days, low energy, and sometimes I lacked inspiration. I was always passionate about real estate I love helping people to get happily moved, but I would have a day here and there where things didn’t go my way and I thought the world was ending.

I was performing at a high level and I was terrified that I was going to go back to a period of terrible sales results. Terrified! So I needed a way to stay in high performance mode MOST OF THE TIME.

Now I want to share with you some questions that you can use to help you to stay there too. Once you have the answers to these questions written down on paper, you can refer back to them when you are having one of those days.


What things, that when you envisage them in your mind, envoke an emotional reaction? What things inspire or motivate you. This could be your family, your friends, your next holiday, your dream car or whatever, but it must envoke an emotional response from you when you picture. Describe this in great detail.

QUESTION 2: When you are feeling low, what will help you to become motivated again?

See things happen. You will sometimes miss a listing, or not come away with the SPR. Accept it and pull out this piece of paper. What are some things that you know have a big enough pull on you emotionally that will pull you out of those tough places. Again in great detail and take a moment to envisage that in your mind and focus on it. Once you have that mental picture, you can refer back anytime you need to.

QUESTION 3: What do you think you can do to avoid those periods of low motivation?

Now this doesn’t mean just study more or get skills up. You need to go into which skills in particular you need help with and action it. You need to work out what exactly you need to study to best help you with your career.

Thanks for watching today and please leave a comment below and let me know what you think of this exercise. I know for me it really shortened those “valley” times, because I knew how to get out of it.

Sign up here to receive your dream sheet…

Michael Kies
Michael Kies
Like my page for marketing tools for real estate agents, training videos, and motivation to get the most out of your career.


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