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There are three obvious places to find listings that I find that people tend to miss, so I thought I would share these with you today.
The First Place: The Office
This includes walk in, phone in and email enquiries. I believe there are many listings lost every month if simple questions are not asked of every person who contacts the office.
There is one simple question/script that I swear by in this situation. I cant believe people don’t use it, I taught this at a seminar, and one agent emailed me to let me know that he had used this question to get 6 listing appointments in one week. To get this script download it above.
I am a big fan of Walt Disney and I think it is important to ensure that your customers and future clients receive the “Disney Experience” from the first moment of contact with your office. Those of you who have been to Disneyland will know what I mean – they just bend over backwards for ever person who walks through their gates.
The Second Place: Daily Routine
Analyse your daily routine and envision yourself asking the right questions in every situation. For instance, you might go to a particular coffee shop every day. Use this opportunity to build rapport with the business owners, staff, and other regular coffee shop customers.
I have a one-metre rule. Whenever I am within one-metre of a person I say hello – this is such a simple idea but I have received so many listings from it.
Some other places that you might consider your actions at are the supermarket, gym, kids sporting events, restaurants etc.
It is best to work out before hand how you are going to handle these social situations in case you are talking to your future vendor.
One great way to uncover these listings is by asking INTELLIGENT DISCOVERY QUESTIONS like:
… How long have you lived in the area?
… Do you know anyone who is looking to move nearby?
… Do your family enjoy living here?
… If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
Remain silent and practise hard listening for opportunities.
The Third Place: The Busy Bodies
Identify those in the know in your area and make it your priority to build relationships with them. They will know who is moving in and who is moving out. You will have access to information about what people are planning, even before they look at other agents.
As Frank Bettger said: “Prospecting is like shaving, if you don’t do it every day you will end up a bum” I see it as a prosperity pipeline.
What has been the most strange listing you have ever had? Tell me about it below…