The results booster plan for real estate agents

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The results booster plan for real estate agents

The results booster plan for real estate agents…

Are you on target for this quarter and for this year? If not, you need the results booster plan for real estate agents.

This plan will get you back on track and help you have a great finish to the quarter, and a great year in 2019.

results booster plan for real estate agentsBy doing the same things today as you did yesterday today, nothing will change.

There are people who will not change and continue to get low results and this is sad, because these people are wasting their lives.

If you know you deserve better than to struggle and just survive, then it’s time to change.

If you are not enthusiastic and looking forward to every day with excitement, it’s because you are not getting listings and making sales and you don’t feel confident and competent.

This is where the results booster plan for real estate agents comes in.

When you are getting listings and making sales you just can’t wait for the day to start and you never want it to finish.

That’s why I always started early and wouldn’t finish until late. I wanted to squeeze everything I possibly could out of every day.

A listings finder based in Tasmania created 18 new listings in February, that were listed into the office as a direct result of his efforts.

Now I share with you a booster plan that will keep you on track for great results.

1. Be productive

Do the most productive thing at every given moment.

The most productive thing you can do is to get more listings.

Every spare moment you have – prospect by calling people or calling on more people.

2. STP.

Speak to people.

If you want to stand out then speak to people.

Do not rely on email or text.

Either speak to them in person or by phone.

Every time you are about to email or send a text, pick up the phone and call them.

3. 40 people per day

Every day speak to 40 new people, either at the doors or by phone.

Speak to 40 new people every day and your prosperity pipeline will be filled within 30 days.

The greatest plans and ideas are worthless without action, so for this simple plan to work you have to get to work.

results booster plan for real estate agentsIt’s like the builder who gets the plans and working drawings from the architect but then never starts. They will soon be replaced by another builder who gets on with the job.

The same applies to real estate – by being like the good builder who follows the plan and gets to work you will get more business and reach your targets.

Commit to being the best you can be every day.

Commit to doing the right, results-producing actions every day.

Commit to getting a result every day.

By doing this you will be unstoppable and achieve greatness in real estate.

If you have the desire and are prepared to take total responsibility and would like to get to 2 sales per week then – book a call with me. Always do your best.

If you want to find out more about how you can list more properties than you thought possible, click the link to find out more about my 3-day Success in Real Estate program, which covers this in great detail.

Michael Kies
Michael Kies
Like my page for marketing tools for real estate agents, training videos, and motivation to get the most out of your career.

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