The real estate market is changing and there are a lot of people leaving the industry.
The agents who focus on improving their skills to become the best they can be at leading people to make the decision that is right for them, will make more sales and dominate their area.
There are people who seem to struggle in real estate. They never strive to get better and then they wonder why they aren’t making much money.
The people who strive to get better each and every day are making substantial gains, selling more and making a lot of money.
Dominic is a coaching client of mine and last week he had a settlement every working day of the week.
He has also listed just as many properties to replace them.
He works closely with me and is now having the best year of his career and he’s been in the industry for 30 years.
He is loving real estate and having a ball because he has these three things in place.
1. He applies the adage that daily improvement is a must.
When you are improving yourself personally, you make more sales.
He listens to sales programs and reads books because he is always looking for the edge. He has set out to be better than his competitors.
2. He is striving to be the best he can possibly be by putting into practice what he learns.
3. He leads his clients.
He leads buyers and sellers to make the decision that is right for them.
One of the closes Dominic uses with buyers is in the situation where there is a discrepancy on price.
When they are concerned about the price on the property, we must isolate the objection and then ask: “What do you think it’s worth?”
And when they give a figure, ask:
“If the owners can afford to accept that figure, will you buy this house?”
And then if you are in a tough market, start the negotiation from here.
Shortcuts lead to mediocrity and massive disappointments.
By doing this Dominic is improving and making more sales now than he ever has.
It’s like the basketball player who doesn’t practice. They will be cut from the team because they are not improving every day.
If you don’t practice every day, you are selling yourself short every single day.
Practicing, drilling and rehearsing were the things I did when I first started in real estate and it led me to averaging 11 sales per month for 12 consecutive years.
If you want to use the system that I used to average 12 listings and 11 sales per month, then you should consider attending the next Success in Real Estate, which is being held in February in Sydney.
At Success in Real Estate I show you exactly what to do every day to become unstoppable and how to get to the top in real estate so that in ten years from now you will have financial freedom and have the choice to work or not.
So if 2019 is the year that you want to see great growth in sales, book a call with me and we can run through where you are at, and map out where you can be in 12 months from now.