Structured tenacity is systematically finding our way around problems and objections in prospecting, listing, reducing and selling.
Throughout my entire career in real estate I was asked to develop discipline and persistence on many occasions from almost every trainer in the industry. The problem is, what if we develop discipline and persistence around the wrong tasks or actions.
The problem is often in implementation. Some people are habitual learners, which is fantastic, but if what is learnt is not implemented, it’s a bust.
These agents are characterised by working every given hour and not producing the results that they really want.
If they stay on this path they will develop the feeling that real estate takes their life away and then blame the real estate industry for being broke.
But those who develop the attitude of structured tenacity, astound themselves by what can be achieved. They have the option to either work less and make the same or work the same and make even more; the choice is theirs.
The obstacles Steve faced:
How many obstacles can you count in this negotiation? Do you see how having structured tenacity allowed Steve to come face-to-face with an obstacle, and then manoeuvre around it, repeating this process over and over again?
This couple are raving fans of Steve now and he was able to change the agent haters into happy vendors which is quite a feat.
Many trainers talk about tenacity, they say “be tenacious”, but what if we are tenacious but work with a broken strategy, will we succeed?…… its unlikely.
It’s way too simple to just ask agents to be tenacious – there is more too it than that.
So I prefer to advocate for structured tenacity and the swerve factor.
The problem
The problem: in many scenarios in real estate we are faced with an obstacle. All the training I have done on real estate talks about persistence and discipline, but what if you have built the discipline to be persistent in the wrong tasks? This is where tenacity comes in.
The swerve factor
This is the difference between tenacity and persistence. Being tenacious means you find a new way to do things that makes you more successful where as being persistent means doing the same and expecting a different result. This can be applied in prospecting, listing, reducing and selling.
For example: Think of the last time you walked out of a listing presentation when the seller said they want to think it over. Think of how much work you went to, to get that listing appointment.
By not getting it, it means you are doubling up and working long and hard to get low results because you haven’t learned how to overcome the objections at a listing presentation.
Personal priming
If you have cultivated the swerve factor, and built it into your attitude, quite often you will win, because you will find a way around any obstacle.
But personal priming comes in when you learn the tools you need to avoid the obstacle in the first place. For instance, my strategy for raising the professional fee early on in the listing presentation helps to overcome the fee objection before it is even raised.
So by being relentless on becoming the best and working harder on yourself than anything else you will be a great success. See most people come into real estate with their legal qualifications but not their practical qualifications and that’s to study the art of selling and being relentless at developing their skill levels to mastery.
It’s like a doctor, they have to do years of practice guided by their mentors before they are let loose on the public. You don’t have to do years of learning, you can make a decision today to become the best and start right now.
So be tenacious, believe in yourself and accept that you deserve a better life. You deserve to enjoy more freedom. When you have these three keys in place, then you are on your way to great success in real estate.
Obviously the tools within the sales process play a massive role in growing results.
For this reason, I have recorded a more in depth one hour training session aimed at helping agents to add an extra $100k per year to their personal income. Click here to view the training now…
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