Three success tools for a results boost in real estate sales

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Hoarding information vs strategic implementation
January 17, 2018
Success in Real Estate Podcast - Episode 16
Episode 16: 17 listings and 14 sales in his first quarter in real estate sales by implementing these three success tools
January 29, 2018
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Three success tools for a results boost in real estate sales

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You can make 2018 your best year ever if you really want to. Today I am going to share three key tools to implement a results boost in real estate sales.

By now you will have set your goals for the year and if you haven’t set them, please do so as soon as you have finished reading this.

The problem a lot of salespeople face is that they have set goals but then lack the disciple to implement these goals to make them a reality.

Then it’s usually at this time of year that the goals fade away to be only wishes and not driving goals that you will achieve. This is when we need a results boost in real estate sales.

There is a magic word that is applied to all salespeople who are succeeding in this wonderful world of real estate. That word is “action”.

results boost in real estate salesJamie’s Story: 5 listings and 6 sales in his 3rd month in real estate sales

Let me tell you about Jamie’s journey.

In his first quarter in sales, having started from scratch, Jamie received a big bonus because of the results boost he achieved after attending the Success in Real estate event.

Since Success in Real Estate Jamie has also given me the honour of working more closely with him in the Success Club and he is far exceeding what he thought he was capable of.

There are three types of salespeople:
1. the doers
2. the lookers
3. and the scoffers

Jamie is a doer and acts on what he has learned and is getting results. No matter what or where you are right now, become a doer; your whole future depends on it.

So here are the three things that I helped Jamie put in place after he attended Success in Real Estate during our first planning and goal setting call. These have made a big difference in his life and his career.

Here are three tools Jamie used to achieve a results boost in real estate:

  1. Investment in oneself: Investing in oneself is the best investment that can be made.

    I gave Jamie a list of books to read, which he has done and to his credit has put what he has learned into massive action and is now reaping the rewards.
  2. Set a goal to get your skill levels to mastery: When you have the advantage of mastery in real estate, it doesn’t matter if you are…
    – prospecting
    – at a listing appointment
    – reducing a property
    – working with buyers
    – negotiating a sale
    – getting testimonials and referrals
    …you know exactly how to handle each situation as it arises, to be able to lead people to make the decision that is right for them.
    You must see yourself as THE person who is going to help these people make the right decision; a decision that is sometimes the biggest financial decision they will ever make.You must be able to guide them with generosity.
  3. Find one good listing appointment per day: There is a rule to implement if you want a results boost in real estate sales, start early and prospect first thing. Call 10 people from your CRM and talk to them as if they are your best friend; do not ask for any business. The conversation will come around to real estate and then when it does ask them this question: “So if you, your family or your friends needed a good real estate agent who would you recommend?”Then no matter what they answer stay positive and then ask them “How do you know this person?”Then ask them why they would recommend that person?Then ask “what would it take for me to be your choice?” If they say well you are our choice then you know you are in, and ask “who do you know who’s thinking of moving?” Never ask do you know anyone who’s thinking of selling?” Its terrible and will always prompt a no from the person you are speaking with.
  1. By following what he learned from Success in Real Estate and following these three things Jamie found 5 listings and sold 6 properties in December and this is just his 3rd month in sales.

Overall he completed 14 listings and 17 sales for the December quarter of 2017. Astonishing!

It’s like the athlete who has talent but doesn’t do the work. They will never come close to the average athlete who works really hard in combination with the right coach and training.

This is when the magic happens.

Obviously the tools within the sales process play a massive role in growing results.

For this reason, I have created my success in real estate program that includes a 120-page manual with reference guide, so you can flick to the section you need before you go to an appointment.

If you want to know more about honing your skills in real estate, I have a full three day training program called Success in Real Estate which you can register for here.

At the beginning of the course you will be given a 120-page manual which includes all of my practical tools for overcoming the common obstacles in real estate sales. Put your name down now…

By Michael Kies

Michael Kies
Michael Kies
Like my page for marketing tools for real estate agents, training videos, and motivation to get the most out of your career.

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