The short sprint productivity principle for real estate agents

Success in Real Estate Podcast - Episode 02
Episode 02: The short-sprint productivity principle for real estate agents
October 10, 2017
Success in Real Estate Podcast - Episode 03
Episode 03: The daily personal responsibility strategy
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The short sprint productivity principle for real estate agents

By Michael Kies

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The short sprint productivity tool that has helped one agent achieve figures of 8 listings and 10 sales in a month, in his second quarter of real estate sales…

Everybody talks about how important productivity is for real estate agents, but here’s a tool to use for just one hour per day that will create prosperity without the overwhelm that comes with statements like “be more productive”.

Making one simple decision to do the most productive thing in real estate, at any given moment will have a huge impact on your results and income.

Distractions are costing us

But the problem is, distractions are costing us. When we’re not productive as real estate agents we don’t feel good inside.

Because of this when we go prospecting, we do it out of reaction and desperation and desperate agents don’t list property.

Unfortunately distraction is an epidemic. An agent I worked with allowed himself to be distracted and eventually this led to a failed career in real estate.


Because he wasn’t working on productive actions and staying focused on the tasks that would bring in results.

If he had done this, not only would he have survived, he would have thrived.

But when we are focused we feel good in front of prospects.

We are confident in our ability to sell and list, because we just sold or listed yesterday. We don’t leave gaps in our results and let our confidence wain.

One stint of focused productivity will work wonders.

Productivity for real estate agentsLet’s apply this to our daily routine

1 hour per week, working 48 weeks per year is an extra 48 hours of solid prospecting.


1 hour per day, working 288 days per year is an extra 288 hours per year of focussed prospecting.


If during one hour, you speak with 10 people, for just one hour per day you will speak with an extra 2,880 people over the course of a year.

If we have a people spoken-to to property listed ratio of 133:1, that is an extra 22 properties listed per year and 2 extra properties listed per month.

2 extra listings per month = $20k – $80k in extra gross professional fees per month.

This is pretty exciting for just one hour worth of productive work per day. Every person I know can focus for just one hour.

When I was calling established clients, my ratio was one listing to 32 people spoken to.

So for ease of mathematics let’s round that down to 30 people spoken to per listing, and let’s say we work six days a week and include one hour of productive prospecting per day worked.

During this focused hour of prospecting we will likely speak with 10 people. This works out to be an extra 60 people per week spoken to and therefore two extra listings per week.

Let’s say you have a list to sell ratio of 50%. Those two extra listings per week equate to an extra sale at the list to sell ratio of 50% and therefore four extra sales per month for just six hours a week of focused prospecting.

Four extra sales per month at an average fee of $10,000 equates to an extra $40,000 per month or an extra $480,000 per year.

$480,000 return for one focused hour of productive prospecting per day is an excellent return on investment for your time.

How to increase productivity in real estate salesBrodie’s Story

I had a call from a client of mine whose name is Brodie. Brodie operates out of Tasmania and has seen a huge difference in his sales and listing results since he came to my Success in Real Estate program.

Today I am going to share the 3 tools that he said have helped him the most:

  1. The 50 minute sprint: He focuses for 50 minutes and then rests for 10 minutes. This one tool is vital for increasing productivity for real estate agents.
  2. The prospecting scripts from my Success in Real Estate program.
  3. He learned the tools and techniques to allow him to assist people in making the decision that is right for them.

By putting this in place, Brodie’s results were 10 listings and 8 sales in one month in his second quarter of real estate sales. 

If you would like to find out more about my systems and tools for creating results like Brodie’s, click here to join my one hour training session aimed at helping agents to add an extra $100k per year minimum to their bottom line.

Thanks for watching today. Feel free to leave a comment below or send me an email at

Michael Kies
Michael Kies
Like my page for marketing tools for real estate agents, training videos, and motivation to get the most out of your career.

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