Objections are good. In today’s post I’ll share why this is the case and seven techniques for overcoming objections in real estate sales.
Selling doesn’t start until we get a no. Until then we are just order takers. Right now the market is slowing in some areas and many agents are being caught out without training in overcoming objections.
Many salespeople hate objections and don’t know how to confidently overcome them and lead their clients to make the decision that is right for them. These agents are in a state of perpetual struggle and only seem to do well in really good markets. As soon as they are challenged, they quiver and get walked all over by either the buyer or seller.
The salespeople who get this right welcome objections because they know that unless someone objects they are not really interested in either listing with you, reducing the price or buying the property.
By learning the techniques for overcoming objections in real estate sales, you will thrive, even in tough markets.
When I learned to welcome objections and how to overcome them it was like a light went off and I started making sales that other salespeople said were impossible in the market we were in.
Today I share with you seven techniques for handling objections so that you can make sales in a tough market.
1. Accept that most people will not make a decision without objecting to something. Realise this is part of a salesperson’s life.
2. Stay calm, cool and confident that you can lead the person to make the best decision that’s right for them.
3. Agree with the objection by saying things like “I understand the way you feel” or “I understand why you would be feeling that way“. Always use the word feel and never think.
4. Patience is essential when overcoming objections.
5. Listen fully to what the objection is, so you understand if it’s a fact or an objection.
6. Repeat the objection back to the person making the objection.
7. Then you can overcome the objection.
When you are a kid you fall off and get back on until you become competent at riding a bike.
At first you are shaky but then your confidence grows and you have the freedom you have always dreamed of as a kid.
The same applies to overcoming objections in real estate sales. If you are having trouble with objections now you can learn how to overcome them and when you become competent you will get more listings, make more price reductions and make more sales, which will give you the feeling of freedom and control – the same as when you first learned to ride a bike.
At Success in Real Estate which is on next week in Melbourne, I will show you exactly how to overcome objections at the listing, especially fee objections so you will never cut a fee again, along with the best techniques to overcome price reduction objections and objections buyers have in this slowing market.
You will be able to lead people like you have never lead them before.
By doing this you will dominate your market.
If you don’t make at least 10 extra sales over the next 12 months from what you learn and put into action from Success in Real Estate then I will give you your money back.
This is the last Success in Real Estate for 2018. Click here to register now…