How to increase productivity and find an extra 16 listings per year

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January 24, 2020
83_SiREPodcast_Episode-83 How to increase productivity & find an extra 16 listings per year
Episode 83: How to increase productivity and find an extra 16 listings per year
February 5, 2020
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How to increase productivity and find an extra 16 listings per year


How to increase productivity and find an extra 16 listings per year

  • Imagine if you were never distracted.
  • Imagine if you could get to the same level of that agent that you admire.
  • Imagine if you could make some simple changes that would help you fit more into your day.
  • Maybe you are convinced that your day is already “busy” enough?
  • If you could be 100% focused from the moment you got to work, could you not find an extra five contacts per day?
  • If you could prioritise your time, could you find an extra hour per day?
  • If you really investigated what distractions were holding you back do you think you could find an extra hour per day?

At my Success in Real Estate program I spend 90 minutes on fixing this time management problem but I will share three quick tips with you today.

Three tools to help you focus and therefore create an extra 16 listings per year:

  1. Screen time health
    Investigate how much time you spend per week on apps like Facebook.Your phone tracks your digital well-being and tells you how much time you are using in particular apps.

    Physically write down how much time per day you are spending on non-essential apps. Include this in your daily journal and aim to cut this time in half.

    So if your usage of Facebook is in line with the daily average of Australians at 40 minutes.
    Here you will find an extra 20 minutes.

    Use this 20 minutes to phone prospects. If you can find 4 contacts in 20 minutes over 260 working days per year, that’s an extra 1040 contacts.

    At 133:1 that’s 7 listings per year.

  2. Use your drive time
    As you are driving in-between appointments use this time to catch up on your daily reading. This will free up an extra half an hour in the morning where you can prospect.

    If you speak to 5 people in that half an hour, that’s 1300 per year by working 260 days per year.

    At 133:1 that’s 9 extra listings per year.

  3. Use the million dollar plan
    At Success in Real Estate I run through my plan for becoming a million dollar agent, this means obtaining 96 listings and 48 sales per year. You must have a plan so that you aren’t floundering and wondering what you should be doing everyday.

    You must be 100% sure of your statistics and how many calls you need to do to reach your goals.

We play a full game of basketball at our general pace, but when the game goes into overtime, the energy lifts and players are desperate to win.

Find your overtime intensity every day – become desperate to win.

If you want help setting this up in your life, join me at my next Success in Real Estate program where you work through a full 110 page manual, showing you exactly how to have this, if you want it.

If you would like an extra 16 listings per year then you should come to Success in Real Estate.

Book a call with Michael Kies today to see if the Success in Real Estate program is right for you…

Michael Kies
Michael Kies
Like my page for marketing tools for real estate agents, training videos, and motivation to get the most out of your career.

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