When I was new to the real estate business I learnt very quickly what it takes to get to number one.
Within 18 months of applying what I share with you today I went from being the bottom ranking salesperson in our office to number one consistently, month after month, and then for the year.
There are people who hear but don’t act on the advice they are given and they suffer from low results.
It’s like the combination lock that needs four correct numbers to open.
All you need is one wrong number and you can’t open the safe and if you don’t know which is the wrong number you will never open the safe.
The people who get this right follow these steps and improve their sales dramatically, going from struggle to success in a short period of time (usually less than a quarter).
A couple of years ago, Bec was struggling and by following what I am about to share, every quarter she gets better and better and now she is on her way to bringing in a million dollars in the next 12 months.
Continually ask “Is what I am doing now leading to a result?”
Always do the right actions now. Get moving – motion creates emotion.
What’s the point of doing all the work and then not having a system of follow-up that turns your work into results?
The success is in the follow-up.
Capitalise on every appointment and make every moment count.
What’s your hourly rate? Set a goal to double your hourly rate in the next 12 months.
If you want to earn $250,000 per year become worth $250,000 and do what people who are earning $250,000 are doing.
If you are earning $50,000 per year now, that’s what you are worth.
The universe will pay what you are worth so if you want more, become more.
If you are planning a reward when you reach your target (like taking your family away for a week) then if you don’t reach your target you must not reward yourself. Share this with your family.
There was once a person who enjoyed the finer things in life and enjoy them they did, until the money ran out.
Then they were broke and destitute.
It’s the wiser person who works hard on improvement and skill and knowledge that gets it right.
They work hard, save, and then spend what’s left over.
If you want to use the system that I used to average 12 listings and 11 sales per month, then you should consider attending the next Success in Real Estate, which is being held in February in Sydney.
At Success in Real Estate I show you exactly what to do every day to become unstoppable and how to get to the top in real estate, so that in ten years from now you will have financial freedom and have the choice to work or not.
So if 2019 is the year that you want to see great growth in sales, book a call with me and we can run through where you are at, and map out where you can be in 12 months from now.