How to develop and maintain your self-confidence in real estate sales

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How to develop and maintain your self-confidence in real estate sales

How to develop
 and maintain your
 self-confidence in
 real estate sales…

self-confidence in real estate salesDeveloping and maintaining self-confidence in real estate sales is a difficult but crucial feat.

When I first started in real estate I had very little confidence and found I would be so nervous going to every listing appointment, that I would have sweaty palms.

It wasn’t until I listed the property that the butterflies in my stomach would subside.

Then I found a way to develop and maintain my self-confidence in real estate sales and I became so confident that I could have gone to the wrong house and still listed it.

If you struggle with this you can either do something about it or continue what you are doing now and struggle to get by for the rest of your real estate career.

I know from personal experience that when you use the following four tactics you will develop and maintain your self-confidence in real estate sales…

1. Study and get intensely curious

I went to my doctor recently, who was the same doctor that saved my life ten years ago as he diagnosed me with acute Leukaemia.

He always seems to have an answer to every question I come up with.

I asked him about this and he answered, “Yes, of course! I study all the time, attend seminars, and keep up with all the latest in medicine so that I can do the right thing for my patients“.

2. Commit to studying for at least one hour per day

Read or listen to good audio programs or books.

You can do this while driving in your car or reading in the evenings.

3. Take action on what you learn

Use what you learn. What’s the point of learning something new and then never putting it into practice?

This is crazy!

4. When you are at work – work and be productive at every given moment of every day

Make sure that you know your business; that is:

  • Prospecting
  • Listing
  • Reducing
  • Selling

Make sure you stay up-to-date with what’s going on in real estate at all times.

Learn the fundamentals so you know how to lead people to make the right decision to list or buy with you.

self-confidence in real estate salesRecently we extended our house with a new study and library and the builder and his tradespeople really knew their stuff.

They made everything run smoothly and on time because they keep up-to-date with everything all the time and they work hard.

They have a great reputation and are extremely busy.

From beginning to end, we heard the word “yes” all the time, which was always said with confidence and then followed through.

We felt very comfortable through the whole process.

It’s like a real estate career when you have done your trade and have self-confidence, you will help people to achieve the result that they want with confidence and they will love you for it and refer you to all their friends.

If you want to use the system that I used to average 12 listings and 11 sales per month, then you should consider attending the next Success in Real Estate, which is being held in February in Sydney.

At Success in Real Estate I show you exactly what to do every day to become unstoppable and how to get to the top in real estate so that in ten years from now you will have financial freedom and have the choice to work or not.

So if 2019 is the year that you want to see great growth in sales, book a call with me and we can run through where you are at, and map out where you can be in 12 months from now.

Michael Kies
Michael Kies
Like my page for marketing tools for real estate agents, training videos, and motivation to get the most out of your career.

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