Episode 37: How instant gratification destroys success in real estate

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How instant gratification destroys success in real estate
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Episode 37: How instant gratification destroys success in real estate


Have you ever come across an agent who lives to sit down at night, with a six pack of beer in front of the TV? This sort of instant gratification could be destroying their success in real estate.

A leader asked me recently why struggling salespeople seem to:

  • Spend more time watching TV than they do improving their skills?
  • Spend more money on alcohol than they do on training programs or books?

The main reasons they do this is because they are comfortable and have an instant gratification mentality.

Although this may be okay in the short term. Living sale-to-sale, for the long term leads to disaster when it comes to achieving Success in Real Estate.

So in this week’s podcast Michel Kies shares three strategies to use to shift from instant gratification to long term success.

Michael Kies
Michael Kies
Like my page for marketing tools for real estate agents, training videos, and motivation to get the most out of your career.

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