Episode 32: Getting a buyer 
from their hope price 
to their highest price 
in real estate sales

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Episode 32: Getting a buyer 
from their hope price 
to their highest price 
in real estate sales


There are many reasons that getting the highest price in real estate should be one of the main priorities for real estate agents.

One of the biggest mistakes I see is when agents only consider the small amount of money they get in commission for the extra large amount their vendor receives. An extra $20,000 for a vendor can mean that one of their children can go to private school, or play high level sport. This can be huge.

Unfortunately, I was speaking with an agent at an open inspection who proudly declared: “I won’t ask you to increase your offer because by the time I take the tax and franchise fees out, it won’t be worth a pie and a can of coke…”

This is entirely the wrong attitude.

Let’s also consider the consequences. If a buyer got a property for less than their maximum price, do you think they will go back to the agent they bought through when they want to sell?

Of course not.

What do you think happens when the seller finds out they undersold? They will not recommend their family, friends or work colleagues to their agent and the word of mouth is negative. These situations occur as a consequence of short-term thinking.

The salespeople who focus on getting the highest price for the vendor have a very high percentage of their offers accepted and they tend to enjoy a long career where the referrals flow in.

Michael Kies
Michael Kies
Like my page for marketing tools for real estate agents, training videos, and motivation to get the most out of your career.

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