The difference between 
struggling and doing well
 in real estate sales

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The difference between 
struggling and doing well
 in real estate sales

The difference between 
struggling and doing well
 in real estate sales

A few weeks ago I spoke to two salespeople. They were on the same team, in the same area, but one was struggling while the other was thriving.

doing well in real estate salesThe one that was struggling said that the market had turned.

The one that was thriving said that the market was booming and had finished his last month on 8 listings and 8 sales.

So what’s the difference and what can you change if you are struggling?

We must remember that “if nothing changes, nothing changes…

Some salespeople continue to do the same things, month in and month out expecting a different result.

Then when they turn 60, they’re broke and struggling and they wonder where all the time went and how come they haven’t got any money?

On the other hand some agents crave positive change and do the work necessary to implement that change into their lives.

This has a positive impact on not only their business life but their personal life.

What’s more important your – business life or your personal life?

I do hope you answered your personal life.

But you need a good career in real estate to be able to look after your personal life.

So what is the difference between the agent who is struggling and the agent who is doing well in real estate sales?

The agent who is doing well in real estate sales knows that what they did yesterday determines their results in 90 days from now.

 The 90 day gap

If 90 days ago you didn’t prospect enough, you will have low listings today.

If you have low listings, you will have low sales.

So to easily fix this, focus on reaching your listing target every week and month and the sales will come.

You need consistency in the following areas:

  1. Prospecting. Speak to at least 40 new people per day about selling their home.
  2. Fantastic follow-up.
  3. Listing. Become a great communicator and improve your listing appointment to listed property ratio.
  4. Pricing. If the property is not sold within 21 days, reduce it.
  5. Negotiate. You must be a skilled negotiator. When was the last time you read a book on negotiation?
  6. Sell. Know how to entice buyers to put a proposal forward without suggesting a figure below the vendor’s asking price.
  7. Present offers.

By striving  to develop these skills to mastery you will be getting 12 listing and 8 sales per month.

It’s like the local 7-Eleven versus your large supermarket.

The supermarket is making millions and the 7-Eleven is only making a fraction of that.

This is because the supermarket consistently has the widest range of goods to attract customers.

That’s why you should be striving to have the largest range of homes for sale in your area and be the super warehouse for houses to choose from.

It all starts with consistency.

Focus on the most important thing in your career in real estate, and reach and exceed your targets in listings every month.

To find out more about how to create more consistency in your results and add an extra $100,000 to your income in the next 12 months click here for a complimentary one hour training session.
Michael Kies
Michael Kies
Like my page for marketing tools for real estate agents, training videos, and motivation to get the most out of your career.

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