Is your WHY big enough in real estate sales?

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Is your WHY big enough in real estate sales?

THE BIG WHY in Real Estate Sales by Michael Kies


Today we are going to talk about whether you have a big enough WHY in real estate sales? But before we get started, why do you need a big WHY? The thing is real estate sales is one of those careers where you have peaks and troughs – even for the high performers.

So for instance one day I put three sales together in one afternoon and went home with a bottle of Bollinger to celebrate with my wife. HIGH. The very next day they all cooled off. LOW. This is why you must have a huge reason to drive you because when the lows come you need this to pull you out of any bad thinking and get right back out there and start again.

If you have a big enough WHY you will find a way to do the actions to achieve the thing or things you so dearly want for your life.

What is it you really want?

If it doesn’t immediately come to mind it’s not big enough and doesn’t have enough meaning to drive you.

What are the three most important things you want to achieve right now?

 Some suggestions:
  1. Get rid of all your bad debt.
  2. Be mortgage free on your home.
  3. Invest wisely for your future.

There is one thing worse than getting old – and that’s to be broke when you get there.

 One of the best habits you can get into in real estate sales is the habit of saving.

How much can you save each month?

In 1993 I set two very important goals:
  1. Have my home paid off. (bought in July of 1993, paid off by December 1995)
  2. Take the family and my mother to Disneyland Anaheim in September of 1995.
 This what was going through my mind when I felt like things were not going as I would like them to:
  1. I will persist until I succeed in real estate sales.
  2. My goal was 10 sales per month, so I asked myself this question: “Are these thoughts leading me to 10 sales per month.”
  3. When I was tired, and I did get really tired at times, I kept visualising me walking into the bank and handing over a cheque to pay the loan off on our home. Plus staying at the Sheraton Anaheim and walking into Disneyland.
  4. Massive action. Whenever I needed a boost I got stuck into it and created something.
  5. Structured my day.

Every night before I went home I would write down the most important things that I needed to do the following day and prioritised them so that next morning I could get off to a flying start.

If you have listened to my training before you will know that my daily goal was to find one good listing appointment per day.

 If your why is big enough you will:
  1. Persist.
  2. Have a Positive mindset.
  3. Visualise.
  4. Take Massive action.
  5. Implement a Strategic Plan. USE THE 21 DAY PLANNER TO KEEP YOU ON TRACK. 

If you don’t have your why written down in the front of your journal/diary then do it now! Visualise what you will feel when you achieve these goals.

So the focus for this week is to persist with a positive mindset, visualise the achievement of reaching your goal, and take massive action with good planning and a daily structure.

Michael Kies
Michael Kies
Like my page for marketing tools for real estate agents, training videos, and motivation to get the most out of your career.

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