Michael Kies

March 3, 2015

Is your WHY big enough in real estate sales?

Today we are going to talk about whether you have a big enough WHY in real estate sales? But before we get started, why do you […]
February 23, 2015

The one MUST HAVE personal attribute for becoming a success in real estate

It has been said many times before that the most important word in the English language is… (drum roll) ATTITUDE but maintaining a positive mental attitude […]
February 18, 2015

A real estate agent’s worst case scenario…

What is the worst case scenario for real estate agents? I am sure many of us can tell a story or two and today I want […]
February 9, 2015

Agents: How to get price reductions immediately…

In some markets it is possible to just list and sell without price reductions, but there are many agents today that are in steady or falling markets […]