Michael Kies

May 24, 2019
62_SiREPodcast_Episode-62 Quiet in real estate sales? Move to action to get back on track

Episode 62: Quiet in real estate sales? Move to action to get back on track…

Do you think it’s quiet in your area at the moment? If we stay quiet for too long we cannot succeed. The people who thrive in this […]
May 22, 2019

Quiet in real estate sales? Move to action to get back on track…

Quiet in real estate sales? Move to action to get back on track… Recently an agent mentioned that it was quiet in real estate sales in […]
May 15, 2019
61_SiREPodcast_Episode-61 [Live Session] Goal Setting - Success in Real Estate (Melbourne)

Episode 61: [LIVE SESSION] Goal setting – Success in Real Estate (Melbourne)

Michael Kies shares, the three main reasons that people don’t set goals and how to overcome them. He shares how the 20 year goal is the […]
May 8, 2019

The three necessary ingredients to sell properties in a tough market

The three necessary ingredients to sell properties in a tough market A question I am being asked is “how do you sell properties in a tough […]