In real estate there are essential tools you can use to help you to appreciate and accelerate your real estate career, and more generally your life.
The problem some agents have is that they think or act with envy, jealousy and greed.
This holds them back because they are always asking themselves what’s in it for them. It also leads them to develop feelings of jealousy around the success of other agents.
But if you apply the attitude of appreciation for what you have now and work on these strengths to accelerate your real estate career, you will become unstoppable.
I had a call from a client of mine Linda, while out to dinner with Tina.
She was so excited to tell me she had just made 5 sales in one day. How great was that!
The reason she called was because the most sales I made in one day was four, so there was a healthy competition and respect between us.
The reason I tell you this story is that Linda had a tough start, but she always appreciated what she already had and then built on these things.
She studies, she works hard, and works with tenacity to build great relationships.
Now she is reaping the rewards of appreciation and hard work.
So when you hear that someone has made 5 sales in one day, you can choose to think about the situation on a positive note. If one person can do it, well so can you!
All you have to do is apply the following three points that I shared with Linda when she first started and you will begin to see a marked difference in your results:
Focus on what you can achieve today and do not get big picture thinking disease.
You will be amazed with what you can do by focusing everyday on creating at least one result; either a listing, a price reduction, sale started or at least one good listing appointment made.
Linda called me once on the 14th of the month and she was beside herself because she was on 0 listings and 0 sales. Her targets were 12 listings and 8 sales and by applying this rule she was able to finish the month on 11 listings and 7 sales.
The key characteristics of a great Success in Real Estate are prospecting, keeping good records, following up and doing something everyday to pamper somebody to make them feel special.
If you have ever stayed in a five star hotel this is what the concierge does.
You can and must make someone feel especially special every day.
The 80% rule applies here. Spend 80% of your time finding sellers and pampering them and you will only need to spend 20% of your time with buyers. This way you will make many sales.
Become a learning machine. Please make the decision that you don’t know it all and learn something new in the field of sales or leadership everyday.
If you have a problem and can’t find the answer, have the courage to reach out, just as Linda did. The only silly question is the one you never ask.
It’s like staying in a five star hotel. The service is great all the way from the booking to after your stay.
Even after you leave they follow you up because they want you to come back, just as we want our buyers and sellers to keep coming back to us.
The way to achieve this is to be positive, follow up, pamper and keep getting better.
Find out what the best are doing and think with a positive mental attitude; know that you can do it.
Then, live in positive day tight compartments and commit to getting one result per day before you go home.
Follow up – the difference between average, good and great is follow up.
Open your mind to finding better ways to do things.
I remember a time when I found a better way to present offers and it changed my life.
Obviously the tools within the sales process play a massive role in growing results.
If you want to know more about honing your skills in real estate, I have a full three day training program called Success in Real Estate which you can register for here.
At the beginning of the course you will be given a 120-page manual which includes all of my practical tools for overcoming the common obstacles in real estate sales. Put your name down now…